Michael Curran
Michael Curran歌曲大全
Hiawatha War - Iroquois - Ho, Ho, Watanay-
Ian Smith
Hiawatha Peace - Iroquois - Ho, Ho, Watanay-
Ian Smith
Montezuma War - Aztec - Cora Mitote Song from Santa Teresa-
Michael Curran
Montezuma Peace - Aztec - Cora Mitote Song from Santa Teresa-
Michael Curran
Gandhi War - India - Raga Asa-
Michael Curran
Gandhi Peace - India - Raga Asa-
Michael Curran
Wu Zetian War - China - Goa Shan Liu Shui-
Michael Curran
Wu Zetian Peace - China - Goa Shan Liu Shui-
Michael Curran
Askia War - Songhai - Gambia Folk Song-
Michael Curran
Askia Peace - Songhai - Gambia Folk Song-
Michael Curran
Ramesses II War - Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egyptian Melody Fragments-
Michael Curran
Augustus Caesar War - Rome - Ancient Roman Melody Fragments-
Michael Curran
Augustus Caesar Peace - Rome - Ancient Roman Melody Fragments-
Michael Curran
Catherine War - Russia - Capulets and Montegues-
Michael Curran
Catherine Peace - Russia - Capulets and Montegues-
Michael Curran
Napoleon War - France - Cancan-
Michael Curran
Napoleon Peace - France - Cancan-
Michael Curran
Bismarck War - Germany - Ode to Joy-
Michael Curran
Bismarck Peace - Germany - Ode to Joy-
Michael Curran
Washington War - America - America the Beautiful-
Michael Curran
Washington Peace - America - America the Beautiful-
Michael Curran
Civilization V Theme - Menu Music-
Michael Curran
Opening Movie Music-
Michael Curran
Haya Capac (Inca Leader Theme)-
Michael Curran
Washington (American Leader theme, based onWashington's Artillery Retreat)-
Michael Curran
Mansa Musa (Mail Leader Theme)-
Michael Curran