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Out of Tune歌词

Out Of Tune
And Out Of
Place Again
The Same Old
Crowd, The
Same Expression
Never Coming
Back Again,
Rolling Out
Of Town No
One Knew You
Came From
Far Away No
One Promised
You Much More
Than Nothing
It's Not Like
Anyone Here
Knows Your
Name It's
Not Like Anyone
Will Stay
Out Of Tune
And Out Of
Place Again
The Same Old
Crowd, The
Same Expression
Never Coming
Back Again,
Rolling Out
Of Town Rolling
Out Of Town,
Running Out
Of Time Long
Drive Tonight
What's The
Point Of It
They Hate
Us Here And
They All Really
Hate Us There
But We Don't
Really Seem
To Care At
All About
The Politics
Of Lazy Kids
Who Say "Be Like Us Or Take The Fall"
Out Of Tune
And Out Of
Place Again
The Same Old
Crowd, The
Same Expression
Never Coming
Back Again,
Rolling Out
Of Town Rolling
Out Of Town,
Running Out
Of Time Long
Drive Tonight
So What's
The Point
Of It

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