歌词塔 搜索歌曲

Running High歌词

作词 : Toppop
作曲 : Toppop
编曲 : Toppop
As dawn breaks, we lace up our shoes,
Theworld's our runway,let's make our moves.
The air is crisp, the sky is wide,
We're ready to sprint, ready to glide.
We're the runners,we're the race,
Our hearts are pounding, wecan't replace.
The rhythm of our steps,they're in tune,
We're chasing the sun,we're chasing the moon.
Through the park, where the dew is fresh,
We're carving our path,we're not at rest.
The wind in our hair, the sun on our face,
We're in our zone,we're in our space.
We're the runners,we're the chase,
Our breath is steady, our pace is ace.
The city awakes, the day is new,
We're running with dreams,we're running with you.
Up the hill, where the path gets steep,
We push through the pain, wewon't retreat.
Our legs are strong, our will is fierce,
We're climbing to heights,we're breaking barriers.
We're the runners,we're the climb,
Our lungs are burning, our spirits find.
The summit awaits, the view is grand,
We're reaching for stars,we're reaching for land.
Down the slope, we let ourselves fly,
The wind at our back, we touch the sky.
The world is a blur,we're cutting through,
We're racing with time,we're racing with you.
We're the runners,we're the speed,
Our minds are clear, our hearts they bleed.
The finish line calls,we're almost there,
We're running for glory,we're running for care.
We're running through life,we're running through time,
With every step forward, we leave our past behind.
We're chasing our dreams,we're chasing our fate,
We're running for love,we're running for hate.
In the heart of the city, where the crowd is dense,
We weave through the streets,we're not defenseless.
Our feet are swift, our eyes are keen,
We're navigating life,we're navigating our scene.
We're the runners,we're the flow,
Through the urban jungle,we're not slow.
The skyscrapers rise, the sun is high,
We're running with purpose,we're running with why.
By the river, where the water flows,
Reflecting our journey, our highs and lows.
We're moving with grace,we're moving with might,
We're running with nature,we're running with light.
We're the runners,we're the stream,
Our reflections in water,they're not a dream.
The current is strong, our will is tight,
We're running with rivers,we're running with flight.
We're running through joy,we're running through pain,
With every step forward,we're gaining the gain.
We're chasing our hopes,we're chasing our fears,
We're running for freedom,we're running for tears.
In the stadium, under the lights,
We're the athletes,we're the fighters.
The crowd is roaring, the race is on,
We're pushing our limits,we're pushing our zone.
We're the runners,we're the race,
Our hearts are pounding,we're in our place.
The finishline's near, thevictory's sweet,
We're running for honor,we're running for beat.
Crossing the line, with a final burst,
We've given our all,we've done our best.
The cheers are loud, thevictory's ours,
We've conquered the race,we've conquered the course.
We're the runners,we're the win,
Our spirits are high, our hearts are in.
The race is over, the day is done,
We're running for glory,we've won andwe're won.
We're the runners,we're the race,
Ourjourney's complete,we've found our grace.
We're running for life,we're running for love,
In every step forward,we're shining above.
We're the runners,we're the race,
Ourjourney's complete,we've found our grace.
We're running for life,we're running for love,
In every step forward,we're shining above.


