小号:Emmanuel Nzolani Nkounkou
混音:How High
有人活在过去 有人活在现在Some live in days gone by, some live in days at sight
有人活在未来Some live in future time
有人追求权力 有人追求爱情Some seek power and right, some seek love of their life
有人追求名牌Some seek brands they can’t buy
感觉受伤了就喝一碗鸡汤When feeling hurt, drink chicken soup for the soul
仿佛就能带走负面想法 噢Take away the gloomy beliefs, as if, oh
感官这东西越来越接近科幻的夜晚Sensory organs are becoming to be like scientific nights
摩登的人生期待终结无聊的狂欢Modern life of ours expects to end boring carnivals
有人不想上班 有人不想孤单Some want to work never, some want to be in pair
有人不想煮饭后洗碗Some want to do dishes no longer
有人相信拥抱 有人相信面包Some believe in hugging, some believe in baking
有人相信承诺和口号Some believe in making promises
有什么大不了的不就是一场游戏吗What seems to be the big deal well it is just another game
走心的玩家每秒都有新的体验 噢Take the play to heart and get all the experience, oh
娱乐的场景越来越贴近网络的云彩Entertaining scenes are becoming to be like the clouds online
摩登的人生充满展示自己的舞台Modern life of ours overflowing now with follow lights
每一个人都有机会成名Everybody could become somebody
五分钟十分钟是否代表永恒Five minutes, ten minutes: does it mean eternity
是否概括了所有Does it mean the all of you
有人放下梦想 有人放下健康Some let go of their dreams, some let go of their health
有人放下欲望Some let go of their lusts
有人爱上城市 有人爱上乡村Some fall for the cities, some fall for the country
有人爱上假装有钱人Some fall for the illusion of wealth
别想啦 去泡个热水脚吧Forget it! You need another foot spa
真心可以带走一身疲倦 噢I mean really you need chill and relax, oh
这一首歌不过是一张随手拍的照片Listen to this, this tune and these words are just a candid snap
摩登的人生终究围绕复古的前沿Modern life of ours simply is nostalgia and its gap
有什么大不了的不就是一场游戏吗What seems to be the big deal well it is just another game
走心的玩家每秒都有新的体验 噢Take the play to heart and get all the experience, oh
亲爱的 去泡个热水脚吧Forget it! You need another foot spa
真心可以带走一身疲倦 噢I mean really you need chill and relax, oh
有什么大不了的不就是一场游戏吗What seems to be the big deal well it is just another game
走心的玩家每秒都有新的体验 噢Take the play to heart and get all the experience, oh
亲爱的 去泡个热水脚吧Forget it! You need another foot spa
真心可以带走一身疲倦 噢I mean really you need chill and relax, oh
有什么大不了的不就是一场游戏吗What seems to be the big deal well it is just another game
走心的玩家每秒都有新的体验 噢Take the play to heart and get all the experience, oh
亲爱的 去泡个热水脚吧Forget it! You need another foot spa
真心可以带走一身疲倦 噢I mean really you need chill and relax, oh