歌词塔 搜索歌曲


作词 : 伍一夫
作曲 : Berlin Psycho Nurses(柏林护士)
编曲 : Berlin Psycho Nurses(柏林护士)
吉他 : 老顶 LaoDing/OD
人声 : 伍一夫 Lamora
贝斯 : 多多 Shitoto
鼓 : 海鹏 Lin Haipeng
键盘 : 沈帜 Shen Zhi
提琴 : 沈帜 Shen Zhi
I see a lot of you,
each of you filling your mouth with alcohol,
telling everybody so called stories you heard from nowhere.
Like a party harvester,
dare you drink out every bottle.
I see a lot of you,
each of you wearing the same clothes,
knowing everyone in the bar.
You can talk all night long.
I see a lot of you,
each of you is whispering about others’ little secrets in that dirty little corner.
Yet, everyone knows the truth.
Like the fisherman comes back into the arm of the harbor
while there's only the quite and hollow pier along with his harvest,
I will remember;
Like the lonely ranger climbs up the very peak of Rocky Mountains,
while none by his side but only his satisfaction,
I will remember;
Like the young strange circus performer who just perfectly
finish his first back flip to a empty stage showing off
some unconsciously ecstasy,
I will remember;
she catched the morning breeze but squeeze it to
she dropped the vase and smashed it to
Like a man who's sword blunted, shield broken, flesh wounded,
wins a bitter victory that
not another man in that battlefield survived,
I will remember this day even if no one to cheer,
if nothing that I can cherish,
if not a single meaning to a single person from a single land is existed.
That fulfillment, sense of belonging, peace, careless delight.
To match, to company, to dream, to lay down any defense.
录音:RC Studios 小洲录音室
混音:沈帜@The Room工作室
母带:李平 Li Ping
项目制作人 Project Producer:沈帜 Shen Zhi
录音工程 Recording Engineers:孙伟松 Stephen Sun
录音技术统筹 Recording Director:李马科 Mark Lee
艺人统筹 Artist Manager:猫川 Vera He
录音制作经理 Production Manager:西瓜 Xi Gua

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