Thought i’d be better
But i lost my Temper
The i lost control
Then i lost it all
At times i’m stronger
But you see, right now
Here i am in front of you
Breaking my vow
Wish me luck cuz i’ll never come back
If i leave u now, there’s no turn back
If you only had the guts to just walk right out
If you only had the guts.
Here I am
In front of you
Don’t wanna leave
Dont’t wanna stay
I’m so undooone
I’m so undooone
Here i am
I do love u so
But I love me a hundred times more
I’m so undone
I’m so undone...
It’s getting easy
To say the things i wanna say
Cuz u got numb
And u got scared
What if i lose u
What if i lose u by mistake?
What will i do then?
What will remain.
Wish me luck cuz i’ll never come back
If i leave u now, there’s no turn back
If you only had the guts to just walk right out
If you only had the guts.
Here I am
In front of you
Don’t wanna leave
Dont’t wanna stay
I’m so undone
I’m so undone
Here i am
I do love u so
But I love me a hundred times more
I’m so undone
I’m so undone...
Here we are
Standing, naked, me and u
Do we see the scars, right throught our skins
U were my shelter when i was in need
How come we screw it up and make it complete
Find a way to forgive me but this is complete.
Here I am
In front of you
Don’t wanna leave
Dont’t wanna stay
I’m so undone
I’m so undone
Here i am
I do love u so
But I love me a hundred times more
I’m so undone
I’m so undone...
I’m so undone...