歌词塔 搜索歌曲


歌手:Pizzicato Five 专辑:Romantique 96

One, two, three, four...

How do you do?
How do you do?
How are you?
I'm fine!
What are you doing?
I am singing
What did you do today?
I did a soundcheck
Nice to meet you(*4)
See you again(*4)
Nice to meet you(*4)
See you again(*4)

Come again soon!
Yes, i'm sure
Say hello to mama
Yes i will
Oh what's the matter?
Mmm, nothing
What's the problem?
It's okay,
I'm sorry(*4)
See you later(*4)
I'm sorry(*4)
See you later(*4)

Un, deux, trois, quatre...
Have a nice day
Same to you
What time baby?
9 o'clock
Gonna have a good time?
I miss you
How do you think about it?
I don't know!

How i love you(*4)
I'm happy(*4)
How i love you(*4)

Puis-je fumer?
Oui, bien s?r
Bonjour, monsieur!
Comment allez-vous?
C'est combien?
Je ne comprends pas
Au revoir, monsieur
A bient?t!
Sil vous plait...
Merci beaucoup...
Sil vous plait...
Merci beaucoup...
Good, good, good, good

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