歌词塔 搜索歌曲

One Slip (2011 - Remaster)歌词

A restless eye across a weary room躁动的眼神越过索然无味的房间
A glazed look and I was on the road to ruin一副呆滞的神情正走在通往毁灭的路上
The music played and played as we whirled without end音乐不停地播放 而我们无休无止地旋转
No hint no word her honour to defend没有头绪 也没有借口去捍卫她的荣耀
I will I will she sighed to my request我会的 我会的 但她却对我的恳请一阵唏嘘
And then she tossed her mane然后甩了甩辫子
While my resolve was put to the test而我下定决心毅然一试
Then drowned in desire our souls on fire不一会儿淹没在欲望中 连灵魂也激动乱颤
I lead the way to the funeral pyre我朝着火葬场走去
And without a thought of the consequence完全义无反顾不计后果
I gave in to my decadence我最终让步于堕落
One slip and down the hole we fall一次失足让我们都坠入洞中
It seems to take no time at all似乎已经没有时间了
A momentary lapse of reason皆因一念之间一时糊涂
That binds a life for life为了生活被拖下水来
A small regret you won't forget你将为这小小的失误抱撼终身
There'll be no sleep in here tonight而今晚也别想安然入睡

Was it love or was it the idea of being in love那是爱吗 抑或只是爱的缘起?
Or was it the hand of fate还是那只不过是命运之手的捉弄
That seemed to fit just like a glove似乎不多不少恰到好处
The moment slipped by and soon the seeds were sown此刻失足滑倒同时也播下了罪恶的种子
The year grew late and neither one wanted to remain alone年复一年 不再有人愿意独自苟活
One slip and down the hole we fall一次失足让我们都坠入洞中
It seems to take no time at all似乎已经没有时间了
A momentary lapse of reason皆因一念之间一时糊涂
That binds a life for life为了生活被拖下水来
A small regret you won't forget你将为这小小的失误抱撼终身
There'll be no sleep in here tonight而今晚也别想安然入睡

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