IP man (feat.Dax) 作词 : 法老/Dax 作曲 : 法老/Dax 编曲:zj-alvson,$cc731 我是一个侠客 套着夹克 为了梦想开始长途跋涉 心起一时路途长征 看遍太多道貌岸然假盲僧 他们看不清楚搅浑的水 心如止水才能看清真的自己 邪魔歪道抓小成的鬼 小窍门的手早晚害死自己 坚信正道才能长胜 问问武林盟主如何才能强盛常任 他说靠的智慧而非一杆长棍 该做就做否则独留长恨 点燃烽火台由我率先开打 爬上长城看看土地有多大 我们早晚靠着麦克风把这里称霸 太多MC还在地下努力挣扎 不管我走多远也不做睁眼瞎 不会忘了清明帮宋岳庭点根蜡 对你们还客气那就请你珍惜吧 不接你的电话那就等我发首hit em up 五色使人目盲五音使人耳鸣 有时我也渴望能够归隐山下 可惜我却无心插柳柳已成荫 期待的人太多所以我决心要做大 yeah 叫我武学传奇pharaoh Never give up 掌控这个圈子规则从不倒下 只有我能击败键盘侠的废话 卫道士的眼中钉没法拔下 我是你最强的对手 Like IPman 我是他最强的对手 call me IP man 日字冲拳冲破瓶颈 like Ip man 别想阻碍我的前进 I’m Ip man 叫我武学传奇pharaoh Never give up Dax 掌控这个圈子规则从不倒下 只有我能击败键盘侠的废话 卫道士的眼中钉没法拔下 我是你最怕的rapper Like IPman 我是他最怕的rapper call me IP man 日字冲拳冲破瓶颈 like Ip man BX Don’t **** with me,call me Ip man “Dax brought it out to china PD stay Rocking that designer Walking dead be the major,all big plays they eint doing nothing minor, you will never find a, rap god man that’s finer, got the game wet that’s my vagina, gotta carry like my Mariah to get like me god damn there’s a lineup I’m timeless Spreading through the game like a virus The climate, Hot, cause I flame like a fire, bars tight they connect like I’m wireless, take flight overseas like a pilot the crisis rap game dead man its lifeless, the price is rap lames heads that are mindless, I eint tripping cause they know what the times is, they hear a ***** rap and it’s always silence. I eint waiting on these ****** to play me They moving shady I eint talking less these ****** a pay me, rap game I swear I’m beating the baby, aborting ****** on the daily they be calling me crazy, hating ****** throwing shade but can’t phase me they try to change me I won’t let em cause I’m ******* amazing, I started rapping got it clapping I was outta the basement, and now I’m smashing every track they play it back on the stages” 叫我武学传奇pharaoh Never give up 掌控这个圈子规则从不倒下 只有我能击败键盘侠的废话 卫道士的眼中钉没法拔下 我是你最强的对手 Like IPman 我是他最强的对手 call me IP man 日字冲拳冲破瓶颈 like Ip man 别想阻碍我的前进 I’m Ip man 叫我武学传奇pharaoh Never give up 掌控这个圈子规则从不倒下 只有我能击败键盘侠的废话 卫道士的眼中钉没法拔下 我是你最怕的rapper Like IPman 我是他最怕的rapper call me IP man 日字冲拳冲破瓶颈 like ip man BX Don’t **** with me call me IP man