The Party's Over Turn out the lights, the party's over They say that all good things must end Call it a night, the party's over And tomorrow starts the same old thing again What the crazy, crazy party, never seen so many people Laughing, dancing, look at you you're having fun But look at me I'm almost cryin' but that don't keep her love from dyin' Misery, 'cause for me the party's over Turn out the lights, the party's over They say that all good things must end Call it a night, the party's over And tomorrow starts the same old thing again Once I had a love undyin', I didn't keep it, wouldn't try it Life for me was just one party and then another I broke her heart so many times, had to have my party wine Then one day she said, "Sweetheart, the party's over" Turn out the lights, the party's over They say that all good things must end Call it a night, the party's over And tomorrow starts the same old thing again And tomorrow starts the same old thing again