Crack In the Pearl In the back room, of the Elmaco casino 在那片浓密的棕桐树下 Out there a portrait of Doris Day 隐藏的赌场密室中 You and I, and a pair of c notes 你和我 还有一些提醒备注 Soft candy betting, hard date 柔软的床垫 艰难的谈判 Not quite how you laid it out for me 我们分开的那一夜 When we slid up that night, that night 你怎么能为我袒露那么多 Coming out of the sunset, my key 沉醉于日落的天幕中 Fogging left to deal the fine wine and 未饮的佳酿弥上淡淡薄雾 Is this how you pictured this? 这就是你设想的画面吗 Is this how you thought it would be? 这就是你想象的情景吗 We got riot with the mutual problem 我们被这常见的疑问叨扰 And god wreck between you and me 你我之间注定会受到伤害 I told you can go and be trouble 我告诉过你 这个女孩是麻烦 I said she was coming to break up 我也说过她准备和你分手 Leave us lost in the dust and the rubble 留我们迷失在飞扬的尘石间 Nine exits know they've lost 很多人知道他们已经迷失 Vegas, Vegas 迷失在这拉斯维加斯 Nine exits know they've lost 很多人知道他们已经迷失 Vegas, Vegas 迷失在这拉斯维加斯 Nine exits know they've lost Vegas 很多人知道他们已经迷失