请你叫我2.0 Hook(Young Jack): I say you can gonna be the best to do it do it 在灵魂深处tell me never lose it lose it You should better know know Won't she let it go go You know that how we roll, drop the beat, leggo I say you can gonna be the best to do it do it 在灵魂深处tell me never lose it lose it You should better know know Won't she let it go go You know that how we roll, drop the beat ,leggo verse1:(Mr.Trouble) 如果打当初像他们一样更正视 和那如今认识我的人骄傲的谈资 上海说唱新秀第一人他们都知道 拥有进圈的外表实力确实老字号 出现在电视荧幕频频被Q到 但我角色是killer主流被我kill掉 我属性是智力副属性有志气 名片是你唯一装备叫做毅力 懒rapper会说不会做还是在写diary 别指望在伯乐前摆正自己的位置 想出名不是靠参加选秀拿名次 从自身找原因我给伯乐发工资 生长在能载舟覆舟之地 上海 在进化后能够抵御一切 伤害 都不愿花时间等待只想要眼前嗨 Diss it laugh let her cry Hook(Young Jack): I say you can gonna be the best to do it do it 在灵魂深处tell me never lose it lose it You should better know know Won't she let it go go You know that how we roll ,drop the beat, leggo I say you can gonna be the best to do it do it 在灵魂深处tell me never lose it lose it You should better know know Won't she let it go go You know that how we roll ,drop the beat, leggo verse2(Mr.Trouble) 他们对我说trouble你需要不断地曝光 上电视去打榜才能让人记住模样 无奈媒体对说唱从不放尊重 无奈在没钱时我也要歌颂雷锋 拿爸的钱在酒吧开卡把女友当** 我给爸钱不需要女人情愿用右手 给我多少兄弟我还多少回报 不停在进化我的房卡只能刷studio 上小学的时候梦想是上初中 上初中的时候梦想是上高中 高中时候梦想是去大学上好大学 所以当你们梦想已实现 我才刚离开起点 对我投射嫉妒的双眼 说唱界Jaqen我拥有不止一点 更多一点责任心所以更多一点强大 你在倒垒我每击都全垒打 Hook(Young Jack): I say you can gonna be the best to do it do it 在灵魂深处tell me never lose it lose it You should better know know Won't she let it go go You know that how we roll, drop the beat, leggo I say you can gonna be the best to do it do it 在灵魂深处tell me never lose it lose it You should better know know Won't she let it go go You know that how we roll, drop the beat, leggo verse3(Young Jack): 所以我的出现必须是必然 付出多少就能收获多少必定击穿 梦 实现梦 我每天都在准备填补空白 因为我现在才来不好意思让他们都等待 无论什么风格我都从内到外 从抒情到快 从抒情很慢 让灵感来继续 思想在集中 玩笑我不会 保证是最真实的故事我才出柜 在录音室all day 和音乐 创作是always 不在乎你多快 不懂什么才是失败所以继续 不懂什么才算痴呆所以继续 不懂什么才算等待所以继续 不懂什么才是不快所以继续 Hook:(Young Jack) I say you can gonna be the best to do it do it 在灵魂深处tell me never lose it lose it You should better know know Won't she let it go go You know that how we roll, drop the beat, leggo I say you can gonna be the best to do it do it 在灵魂深处tell me never lose it lose it You should better know know Won't she let it go go You know that how we roll, drop the beat