Profile(feat.YoungMai & Miya) Check it any time you want Check it anywhere you want I know that i know that i know that I can be the number one Check it any time you want Check it anywhere you want I know that i know that i know that I can be the number one Check it any time you want Check it anywhere you want I know that i know that i know that I can be the number one Come and check my profile 通篇不打句号 姓名没人不知道 Aka y'all ready known 疯狂履历让你惊奇 望眼欲穿的皮影戏 惊喜好比偶像明星 当众被戳穿西洋镜 原本该成为the next Picasso 却成为说唱歌手 挤满各类品种的沙丁鱼罐 是生我养我的滩 Whatever Paris or Milan Still Shanghai is the best Faggers u represent **** Cuz i aint dead yet 我就是这样说的 就是这样做的 就是这样你知道我可以的 Whatever you can do it I can do it better 不用对我质疑 随时可以come and Come and check my profile Come and check my profile I gonna be all right I can do it all night Come and check my profile Come and check my profile I gonna be all right I can do it all night 你没见过就觉得有偏颇 你没听过就觉得是胡说 所以注定你和你的城市都落魄 注定和成功擦肩过 你把艺术当手段 自然而然借口多 可它是我的需求 你我自然隔条河 你在最骄傲的领域里却不能扮演你自己 而我的所有作品都能被记录到档案里 头号思想罪犯继续戏弄他们智商低 So i`m still the best in this town , this country , this world 我就是这样说的 就是这样做的 就是这样你知道我可以的 Whatever you can do it I can do it better 不用对我质疑 随时可以come and Come and check my profile Come and check my profile I gonna be all right I can do it all night Come and check my profile Come and check my profile I gonna be all right I can do it all night Check it any time you want Check it anywhere you want I know that i know that i know that I can be the number one Check it any time you want Check it anywhere you want I know that i know that i know that I can be the number one 我就是这样说的 就是这样做的 就是这样你知道我可以的 Whatever you can do it I can do it better 不用对我质疑 随时可以come and Come and check my profile 我就是这样说的 就是这样做的 就是这样你知道我可以的 Whatever you can do it I can do it better 不用对我质疑 随时可以come and Come and check my profile Come and check my profile I gonna be all right I can do it all night Come and check my profile Come and check my profile I gonna be all right I can do it all night Check it any time you want Check it anywhere you want I know that i know that i know that I can be the number one Check it any time you want Check it anywhere you want I know that i know that i know that I can be the number one 所以我继续攀登 坐高处听你说风凉话 继续创造经典 等你来抓我的尾巴 继续be the no.1 在这个城市这个国家 想超越我no one 想战胜我no one 继续攀登 坐高处听你说风凉话 继续创造经典 等你来抓我的尾巴 继续be the no.1 在这个城市这个国家 想超越我no one 战胜我no one