[00:00.000] 作词 : Mr.Trouble [00:01.000] 作曲 : Mr.Trouble [00:09.71]编曲/制作:Mr.Trouble [00:12.35]Mister - “I Wanna Thank You” - 《PAR MAJID AVIGNON FUNK》 1983 [00:16.15] [00:17.47]hook: [00:18.65]Wherever i go [00:19.97]im the king yo [00:21.12]whatever i do [00:22.16]im the king yo [00:23.20]u better know [00:24.49]im the king yo [00:25.70]all my people around here [00:26.76]call me the king yo [00:27.73] [00:36.99]verse 1: [00:37.46] 爱读博 胆量并不大 [00:39.51]但却留恋all in人生当筹码 [00:41.79]把身边所有人当对手和我同台 [00:44.04]但当我拿起牌我改名周润发 [00:46.72]当人们谈论乔丹只记住二十三 [00:49.02]没经历过45他如何戴上王冠 [00:51.41]你尽情做刘罗锅网络当庇护所 [00:53.74]难得糊涂我是会说唱的王小波 [00:56.58]我原本以为不做上班族会比较洒脱 [00:58.80]却只剩艺术家和拜金女整天刷微博 [01:01.13]为了活下去 所以只能耍手段 [01:03.46]准备好说辞把青春理想贱卖 [01:05.78]原来择偶条件也可以用“成熟”标榜 [01:08.20]就算他们大多来自畸形名利场 [01:10.48]你的成功 在大城市买房 [01:12.65]我想让病魔缠身的父母早日穿上正装 [01:14.93] [01:15.00]hook: [01:15.12]Wherever i go [01:16.27]im the king yo [01:17.42]whatever i do [01:18.37]im the king yo [01:19.75]and u better know [01:20.83]im the king yo [01:22.08]all my people around here [01:23.15]call me the king yo [01:33.00] [01:33.20]verse 2: [01:33.95]我告别了阴霾告别了旧故事 [01:36.05]我告别了那些叫我老师的孩子 [01:38.50]我感谢你们带给我的正能量 [01:40.57]没有伪装让我看清人本来的模样 [01:43.63]让我找回自己T-R-O-U-B-L-E [01:45.63]90年后生人 不知天命 [01:48.07]让我重新拿起麦克风提起画笔 [01:50.34]教会我“不如意”原来值千金 [01:52.78]我想把我的收获与所有人分享 [01:55.29]站上更大的舞台没有条条框框 [01:57.78]何来那么多埋怨不能活在理想中 [02:00.28]只配嘲笑自己太没种 [02:02.18]我希望广告行业创造有良心的价值 [02:04.63]打开电视 别再挤满戏子 [02:06.83]所谓的艺术家们不要再做方舟子 [02:09.35]先学会做人再做个artist [02:10.99] [02:11.00]hook: [02:11.56]Wherever i go [02:12.73]im the king yo [02:13.92]whatever i do [02:14.80]im the king yo [02:16.08]and u better know [02:17.16]im the king yo [02:18.46]all my people around here [02:19.75]call me the king yo [02:29.51] [02:30.30]verse 3: [02:30.40]yo cut the **** off . i go acepella [02:32.69]shout out to my 双蛋瓦斯bro forever [02:35.02]时代会告诉你who is the realest fella [02:37.58]ima the king 接管王位 是时候了 [02:40.24]i fvck那些******* 是否真的懂我音乐 [02:42.62]继续降低自己价值 继续开tb店 [02:45.17]i fvck那些play boy继续混圈子谄媚 [02:47.75]但你斗胆试一试再纠缠我的姐妹 [02:50.39]i fvck民谣歌手田园诗人不要再唱 [02:52.90]标榜着文艺小清新却比谁都肮脏 [02:55.52]i fvck 所谓的Hiphoper rock and roller [02:58.07]扶不起的阿斗做着美国梦的二流子 [03:00.75]i fvck所谓的作家画家艺术家艺术工作者 [03:03.41]拆下你们的面具踩烂你们划分的圈子 [03:06.01]说同胞低端不懂欣赏对外国人低头哈腰 [03:08.62]在中国混的外国人行情难道还要我来教 [03:11.22]我做不到把我的艺术当生意来做 [03:13.91]我做不到把我的人当狗来生活 [03:16.47]我生来是王 为何要贬低自我 [03:18.57]别再尝试用你们的奴性来束缚住我 [03:21.54]fvck all of y'all [03:23.23]cause im the king [03:25.23]u heard [03:26.99]cause im the king [03:29.45] [03:30.34]hook: [03:31.59]Wherever i go [03:32.82]im the king yo [03:33.80]whatever i do [03:34.81]im the king yo [03:35.89]and u better know [03:37.07]im the king yo [03:38.27]all my people around here [03:39.34]call me the king yo [03:48.20]