dead nigga storage [*Movie Bites from "Pulp Fiction"] [Jules:] Oh, Jimmy don't even worry 'bout it...* [Jimmie:] Nah, nah, nah! Don't tell me about anything, I wanna ask you a question! When you came pulling in here... did you notice the sign on the front of my house that said: "Dead Nigger Storage"? ! [Jules:] Jimmie you know I ain't seen no ****! [Jimmie:] Did you notice the sign on the front of my house, that said: "Dead Nigger Storage"? [Jules:] No!... I didn't! [Jimmie:] You know why you didn't see that sign? [Jules:] Hhh... why? [Jimmie:] Cause it ain't there, 'cause storing dead ****** ain't MY ******' BUSINESS, THAT'S WHY... [Jules:] But Jimmie we're not gonna store the ************... [Jimmie:] No, no, no, no, no! DON'T ******' JIMMY ME JULES! Okay? You gotta make some phone calls? You gotta call some people? Well, then DO IT! {*echoes}