[00:00.00] 作词 : 烧提碎 [00:01.00] 作曲 : 烧提碎 [00:19.05] im a be dat wild mf at ur door [00:19.89] holla at u mf b u broke [00:21.24] wut u gonna gimme meat is al [00:24.72] right on girl s tt let me gnaw [00:30.00]快给我一个交代 [00:33.57]谁替我戴表缅怀 [00:36.21]轩辕封烟众人拾柴填海 [00:39.84]此时是他黄金年代 [00:43.02]喔晦涩难猜 [00:46.95]留下三十三两买路财 [00:50.55]待我徒得鬓角斑白 [00:53.49]你经久难衰 [00:57.45] one time father take me out of wop wops [00:59.34] leave me in the burlap so drop lush [01:00.69] the wall they built while they tef nuts [01:02.70] now a young cement was kmin to a old crock [01:04.77] i see a book of all da live money construct [01:06.51] president work for citizen all god instructed [01:08.55] **** wit blood shit eastside thug thugs [01:10.35] fog muffled head plz woke up [01:27.51] ima borned wild mf without hope [01:28.86] my biggest luck is ur kindness it show minimal [01:32.58] hiding from patrol or lying on ur co [01:36.03] if i betray myself can get sum money [01:38.55] i would sell em all [01:40.23]他歪着脖子变成了 verse [01:41.61]掌握权利就像 sipping da syrup [01:43.23]我只会说好的 ok yes sir [01:45.00]我的生活怎么越来越 der? [01:46.77]狗头道人说捞偏门儿没我的份儿 [01:49.20]纳了个大逼闷儿,谁愿意待这地儿? [01:51.69]揽点事儿,事儿事儿似的沾点钱味儿 [01:54.09]你耍单,我凑对,三胎放开我还光棍儿 [01:57.75]喷香水,买吊坠,兜里就剩俩钢镚儿 [02:01.11]问题是全世界都不忿儿,就这儿你听不见一点儿声儿 [02:04.89]我只是个小人物,走着大马路,今儿死明儿死都没事儿 [02:10.50]核泄漏,发大水 [02:12.51]揉揉眼, its a better day [02:16.02]好兄弟,枪下鬼 [02:19.65]摸摸鼻子,一手的灰 [02:23.19]公交车,白富美 [02:26.70]心比乃子真,逼受罪 [02:30.45]雨花石,三百回 [02:33.81]新坟旧土一锅烩 [02:38.82]快给我一个交代 [02:42.33]谁替我戴表缅怀 [02:45.15]朝令夕改,众人沆瀣一派 [02:48.81]此时他有万民朝拜 [02:51.63]喔晦涩难猜 [02:55.89]留下三十三两买路财 [02:59.52]待我徒得鬓角斑白 [03:11.10]我自由何在? [03:12.10] 混音 : 透彻@CreSoundStudio [03:12.43] 母带 : 陈羿仰@CreSoundStudio [03:12.76] 企划 : 崔恩京 [03:13.10] 执行 : 黄诗垚 [03:13.43] 出品 : 网易山外