warrior 作词 : SHarK 作曲 : SHarK Mix by Super D Timberland on my feet today Imma get ready for the war this time I'm going like a phantom living a normal life but hey now I'm ‘bout to drop it hard and I will not surrender 'cause I'm a warrior I will not surrender warrior I will not surrender got a backpack on I'm leaving my city don't get that wrong this ain't for pity for the first time when it went down I faced that shii alone but no worries imma get what I want on my own 123 drink get on the road uigga that's on me 艰难险阻我不在意 这一次不是为了争第一 这一次只是为了做自己 I'm a 勇士 总是 向真理冲锋 向邪恶发起斗争 这一次不是为了要胜利 这一次只是为了有意义 对一个怀着梦想背井离乡的kid都不容易 说当我撞了墙或者迷失方向会quit我不同意 imma try new things and I will venture惊险的东西 imma work my ass feel so fresh像新鲜的空气 let me tell you sum man you gotta be real 总要在这个世界留下一点痕迹 用音乐给历史注入记忆 就算我再平凡你也没资格鄙夷 Timberland on my feet today Imma get ready for the war this time I'm going like a phantom living a normal life but hey now I'm ‘bout to drop it hard and I will not surrender 'cause I'm a warrior I will not surrender warrior I will not surrender warrior I will not surrender warrior I will not surrender