Run run run 作词 : Toppop 作曲 : Toppop 编曲 : Toppop Run, run, run along the track, 龙腾虎跃,逐日月之辉, Feel the wind upon my back. 风驰电掣,踏歌行于碧落。 Speed, speed, feet don't stop, 轻风拂背,如柳絮轻扬。 Towards the goal I won't drop. 马不停蹄,疾如流星, I'm running hard, feeling strong, 志在千里,不坠青云之志。 Going forward all day long. 力拔山兮气盖世, The race is on, I won't slow, 昼夜兼程,星辰引路。 In this run, I will show. 竞逐激烈,我行我素, Step, step, step with might, 奔跑中,尽显英雄本色。 Each stride takes me through the night. 步履铿锵,势如破竹, Fast, fast, never late, 每一跃,夜幕为裳。 In this run, I create. 快马加鞭,不待扬鞭自奋蹄, Dash, dash, dash away, 奔跑中,谱写传奇篇章。 Leaving all my doubts at bay. 一往无前,抛却世俗纷扰, Sprint, sprint, without end, 疑虑尽释,心无挂碍。 In this journey, I'm the trend. 永无止境,我自风流, Jump, jump, jump over the bars, 奔跑旅途,引领风骚。 Facing challenges without scars. 跃马扬鞭,越障如履平地, Fly, fly, high in the sky, 挑战无畏,笑傲江湖。 In this run, I will not shy. 大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里, Hustle, hustle, never rest, 奔跑中,我自翱翔。 In this race, I'm giving my best. 勇者无惧,前路漫漫, Push, push, break through, 奋斗不息,尽显男儿本色。 Finding strength I never knew. 全力以赴,竞逐荣耀, Power, power, in every move, 突破极限,我自超然。 Running wild, like a crazy rove. 力量涌现,如泉涌不息, Zoom, zoom, through the miles, 每一步,皆是力量的诗篇, Grow, grow, as I run, 狂奔如野,我自逍遥。 In this run, I light the styles. 流星赶月,穿越时空之门, Step, step, step with might, 奔跑中,我自成风景。 Each stride takes me through the night. 成长随行,我自升华, Become more than I've begun. 超越自我,不断前行。 Shine, shine, in the sun, 日耀星辉,我光彩夺目, In this run, I have won. 一跑定乾坤,荣耀归我。 Rush, rush, don't look back, 急流勇进,不回头望, On this path, I won't crack. 行此道,我如金石。 Thrive, thrive, with every breath, 呼吸间,生机勃发, In this run, I'm at my best. 奔跑中,我至巅峰。 Race, race, to the end, 竞逐到底,不息不止, In this run, I'll be the trend. 一跑领风骚,我自潮流。 Glide, glide, with such ease, 轻舟已过万重山, In this run, I'm the one to please. 独步天下我自怡。 Run, run, run forevermore, 长风破浪会有时, In this running, I'm a warrior. 直挂云帆济沧海。 Brave, brave, I will be, 壮志凌云志自坚, In this run, I'll always flee. 一往无前永向前。 Run, run, run along the track, 道阻且长行则将至, In this run, I'll always flee. 行而不辍心自宽。