Calories Burn (燃烧卡路里) 作词 : Toppop 作曲 : Toppop 编曲 : Toppop Calories Burn 燃烧卡路里 In the dawn's early light, we rise and ignite, 晨光初露,唤醒沉睡之火, Against the shadows of doubt, we stand tall and bright, 疑云压城城欲摧,我们如松挺立,光芒四射, With every step, every jump, we chase the night. 步步紧逼,跃夜逐暗。 Ignite the fire, let it burn so bright, 星火可燎原,照亮前行之路, Feel the beat of your heart, feel the rush of the fight. 心潮澎湃,战斗激情如潮涌。 Every drop of sweat, every breath you take, 汗滴禾下土,每一滴汗水,每一次呼吸, Is a step towards victory, for your own sake. 一往无前,走向胜利的征程。 Burn those calories, let them fade into the past, 一扫而空,卡路里化为云烟, Transforming your body, building strength that will last. 凤凰涅槃,身形蜕变,铸就不朽之力。 Through the streets, through the fields, where the wind does blow, 穿花蛱蝶深深见,越过田野,风之所向, Our bodies move in rhythm, a symphony in tow. 如影随形,舞动生命的节奏。 The road ahead is long, but we're not alone, 路漫漫其修远兮,我们携手同行, Together we conquer, turning the unknown into our home. 同舟共济,将未知变为熟悉。 Ignite the fire, let it burn so bright, 火树银花不夜天,照亮夜空, Fuelled by passion, driven by might. 激情燃烧,由内而外的力量。 Every pound you shed, every mile you run, 减衣增食,你减掉的每一磅,你跑的每一英里, Is a chapter in the story of who you've become. 一诺千金,铸就你的故事。 Burn those calories, let them melt away, 烟消云散,卡路里随风而去, Embrace the journey, seize the day. 拥抱未来,活在当下。 It's not just about the numbers on the scale, 秤上数字,非我全部, It's about the fire, the unstoppable zeal. 热情如火,不可阻挡。 It's about the moments when you push through the pain, 破茧成蝶,突破痛苦, And the joy that comes with breaking chains again and again. 乐在其中,打破束缚的喜悦。 In the gym, under the sky, where the stars do shine, 星汉灿烂,健身房下,星星闪烁, We lift, we jump, we dance, with a rhythm divine. 翩翩起舞,神圣的节奏。 Each rep, each set, a testament to your will, 铁杵磨成针,每一次重复,每一次设置, A warrior's spirit, unbreakable, undeniably still. 坚不可摧,战士的精神。 Ignite the fire, let it burn so bright, 火光冲天,照亮内心, Feel the power surge, an inner light. 内力充沛,感受力量的涌动。 Every challenge faced, every goal you meet, 迎难而上,面对挑战,实现目标, Is a victory won, a dream so sweet. 美梦成真,胜利的喜悦。 Burn those calories, let them disappear, 灰飞烟灭,卡路里化为虚无, From the ashes, rise, a phoenix so clear. 浴火重生,凤凰展翅。 In the mirror, see the change, the reflection so true, 镜中花,水中月,看到真实的变化, A body transformed, a spirit renewed. 洗心革面,身体精神焕然一新。 No longer bound by what once held you down, 挣脱束缚,不再受制于过往, You've risen above, with feet firmly on the ground. 脚踏实地,超越自我。 Ignite the fire, let it burn so bright, 火光映照,照亮前行的路, Let it guide you through the darkest night. 指引前行,穿过黑暗。 Every moment seized, every fear you face, 把握当下,面对恐惧, Is a step forward, in this endless race. 勇往直前,无尽比赛中的一步。 Burn those calories, let them be no more, 一扫而光,卡路里不再存在, For you are unstoppable, forevermore. 势不可挡,永远向前。 So let the fire burn, let it blaze high, 火势熊熊,照亮希望, A beacon of hope, beneath the starry sky. 星光璀璨,希望的灯塔。 For in the dance of sweat and tears, 汗水与泪水,舞蹈中的美丽, Lies the beauty of life, and the promise of years. 岁月静好,生活与承诺。 Burn those calories, let them fade to dust, 化为乌有,卡路里化为尘土, In the crucible of effort, where dreams are cast. 炼金术士,梦想在熔炉中铸造。 Rise, ignite, and never look back, 奋不顾身,崛起点燃,永不回头, For you are the hero of your own track. 英雄本色,自己轨迹中的英雄。