Freedom's Call 作词 : Toppop 作曲 : Toppop 编曲 : Toppop In the wild's embrace, I find my song, 野性呼唤,心曲自弹。 Where the eagles fly, and the rivers run free. 翱翔天际,鹰击长空。 With a heart that's brave and a spirit unbound, 心无旁骛,步履不停, I follow my path, where the free are found. 追逐落日,自在如风。 Free as the wind, I roam, 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞, With every step, I'm home. 无拘无束,我行我素。 No chains to hold, no walls to confine, 心无羁绊,身无锁, In the dance of life, I shine. 生命之舞,我独领风骚。 Like the sea, I flow, with the waves I sway, 山高水长,心随境转, In the rhythm of life, I find my way. 大地为鼓,生命为歌。 No nets to catch me, no shores to bind, 呼吸之间,气吞山河, In the ocean's song, I find my kind. 心旷神怡,自在逍遥。 I stand tall on the mountain's peak, 少有人走的路,我独行其道, Where the silence speaks, and the echoes seek. 披荆斩棘,勇往直前。 In the hush of the night, I find my call, 不问归期,只争朝夕, To the universe, I give it all. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。 The stars above, they light my way, 星辰引路,夜未央, In their glow, I cast shadows, come what may. 心有灵犀,一点通。 Like the stars, I shine, in the dark I gleam, 风雨兼程,何所畏惧, In the vastness of space, I am the dream. 柳暗花明又一村,前路漫漫任我行。 Like the fire, I burn with passion's flame, 火树银花不夜天,我自岿然不动, With every flicker, I find my name. 烈焰中舞蹈,凤凰涅槃。 No ashes left, no smoke to hide, 无惧风霜,笑对人生, In the blaze of life, I'll ride. 生命之火,我燃点希望。 I am the master of my fate, 我命由我不由天, With every choice, I seal my date. 乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 I am the captain of my soul, 人生如梦,一樽还酹江月, In every storm, I hold the pole. 心之所向,素履以往。 Life is but a journey, with twists and turns, 海纳百川,有容乃大, I embrace the unknown, it's where I learn. 壁立千仞,无欲则刚。 With a heart that's open, to love I'm bound, 道阻且长,行则将至, In every moment, I'm found. 心之所向,一往无前。 I walk the road less traveled, with pride I stride, 披星戴月,风雨无阻, Each step a testament, to the life I've decided. 山不厌高,海不厌深。 No map to guide me, no signs to show, 生命如歌,我自高唱, Just the compass of my heart, and the glow of my soul. 心之所向,素履以往。 In the dance of life, I move with grace, 海阔天空,任我翱翔, With every beat, I find my place. 心无挂碍,一切随缘。 No one to tell me, where I should be, 山巅之上,我放声歌唱, I am the author, of my destiny. 对月抒怀,星辰为证。 Like the wind, I'm free to soar, 生命不息,奋斗不止, With every gust, I touch the shore. 心之所向,一往无前。 No barriers to break, no limits to find, 世界之大,任我行, In the sky of life, I leave my mark behind. 心之所向,便是远方。 In the quiet hush of the mountain's peak, 自由之魂,永不息, I stand tall, and I speak. 生命之歌,我自高唱。 To the universe, I sing my truth, 向宇宙,我高歌心声, So let it be known, as the world turns, 昭告四海,世界不停转动, I am the one with the heart that yearns. 我怀壮志凌云之心。 For the freedom that's in every soul, 为灵魂深处的自由, To be wild, to be free, to be whole. 愿归自然、愿逍遥自在、愿完整无缺。