镜 作词 : Yileen 作曲 : Yileen 编曲 : Sebraca Beats 镜 框住追逐幻影的脚步 藏住 我要捕捉完美角度 打量着打磨着怎么才能更接近啊 如果变更美更赏心悦目会更爱我吗 房间很安静她站在那里 映照在玻璃凝视着自己 倾听玻璃里像有声音在低语 Telling her she’s not enough(那些声音说她还不够好) 眼睛下着心里的雨 Mirror mirror镜子啊 Mirror on the wall告诉我 Who’s the fairest of them all?什么样才够美 How do I offer more?怎样才能称心如意 Mirror mirror镜子啊 Mirror on the wall照着我 You show me all my flaws看到的缺陷那么清晰 All my tears you saw目睹我多少次流泪 Oh mirror oh mirror 镜子 Wish you could show me可否帮我看清 What’s inside of me穿越表面可见 What my eyes cannot see真实的轮廓 Oh mirror oh mirror镜子啊镜子 Can you remind me在这光影交错的时刻 Beyond what they can see你能看见真正的我吗 There’s a beauty so unique无法被复制的我 Chasing what keeps getting farther and farther away到底在追求什么呢 If I can fit in that dress maybe I might feel okay?穿得下那条裙子我就能得到快乐吗 Counting every calorie the numbers on the scale计算着卡路里和数字的变化 When they go up I’m down, spiralling can't find a way out数字上升我就控制不住下沉 盲目寻找的意义 无法下定义 没能找到终点却 迷失了自己 深呼吸 拉拉筋 不一定 要加滤镜 累了够了提早杀青 面对真实的内心 每次我感到挫败为何总忍不住去博得认同 谁的哪句评价又悄悄爬到我心里成为蛀虫 来回拉扯是个死胡同 这环境感觉像真空 其实也都各有各的出众和普通 Mirror mirror镜子啊 Mirror on the wall告诉我 Who’s the fairest of them all?什么样才够美 How do I offer more?如何能称心如意 Mirror mirror镜子啊 Mirror on the wall照着我 You show me all my flaws看得那么清晰 All my tears you saw目睹我多少次流泪 Oh mirror oh mirror 镜子 Wish you could show me可否帮我看清 What’s inside of me穿越表面可见 What my eyes cannot see真实的轮廓 Oh mirror oh mirror镜子啊镜子 Can you remind me提醒我别忘记 Beyond what they can see在外在表层底下 Is there a beauty to be freed?也藏着独特的美丽 You are so beautiful其实你很值得 Just the way you are你已经很棒 You are a work of art像件绝无仅有的艺术品 Every piece every part接纳自己的全部吧 You are so beautiful你已经很美 Just the way you are多么真挚纯粹 You are a work of art真实的你也可爱迷人 Trust me baby you are相信我吧