One Leap What if I let myself fall What if the stars don't agree Would the world stop, or would it spin round without us Would it spin around you without me Well our heroes have all been traded in Can't think of what they used to be So we look round and pray for salvation While they search for a light out at sea So we take, one, leap, for the bottom And I pray your hope's not forgotten And it's to too much to say I need you this way But tomorrow, you're already, gone And I can't move on I talk to you In my mind while I lie down, I wish you could hear all the words you'd said without knowing They've traveled the world in my ears As I take, one, leap, for the bottom And I pray that your hopes not forgotten And it's too much too say I need you this way For tomorrow, you're already, gone And I have to move on And I've never known of a world where someone like me could fall down To only be caught don't know, you turned on the light and Now I can see So I take one, leap, for the bottom And i, know, that your hope's long forgotten And it's too much to say I need you this way But tomorrow you're already gone And I have to move on