Davids Song David`s Song (Who`ll Come With Me) Declan《Thank you》 Who'll come with me Don't be afraid I know the way Who'll sing with me Don't be afraid I'll show the way Who'll dance with me All through the world Don't be afraid I'll show the way We'll go with you We searched the way To find your star Who'll come with us Don't be afraid We found the way Who'll fly with me To reach a star? Don't be afraid, I know the way. Hello to all you young ones, Our foundest hopes Now rest in you. Remember there's nothing you can't do So believe and be brave. Who'll be my friend And walk with me And sing this song? Who'll love with me? We'll change the world And set it free. We'll walk with you. We'll be your friend. We'll sing your song. We know the way. 修改 为declan痴迷(小珂)