Seem an I 作曲 : PJ Harvey Bedraggled angels blethered across Eleven Acres as belling from the bwoneyard a-rangled round the archet * Her fingernails a-ripped from hauling clay-filled fists out of the river's edges for pots with happy voices Conzum-ed with twanketen that's only eased by scratching whisp-words slim as thistles or a sickly chicken's whistles * Seem an I a childhood of quartere'il and wormwood of not-friends running nowhere of vog a-veiling elsewhere * Till in the vaulted barn queer-lit by dummet zun she knew herself a vessel fit for a different wordle where footsteps must be lwone and barefoot upon stones and the northwind's ever-host gives edges to the ghosts * Seem an I a childhood of quartere'il and wormwood of not-friends running nowhere of vog a-veiling elsewhere of mother's voice not-calling of corrugated iron of devil's birds and whiskey of chilver hogs and fleecy and nuts I could not reapy and nuts I could not reapy