Tattle Tales (Skit) 作曲 : Gary Lucas [00:03]Excuse me, Ms Nelson? Joyner [00:05]said something mean to Cory [00:06]He did? Well [00:09]that wasn 't very nice of him [00:10]Wasⅰt? [00:12]Joyner [00:13]Yes. Ms Nelson! [00:15]Can you come here please? [00:16]Coming [00:20]So l was just informed that you [00:21]said something mean to Cory [00:22]That's not true, she's lying [00:23]Joyner [00:24]Yeah he did! he told me was [00:28]Now, before we figure out anything [00:30]I just wanna point out that what [00:32]Christine came up and told me [00:35]Wasn't her business was it [00:36]No [00:38]And what Christine actually [00:40]did was what? [00:41]Tattle tale [00:44]That 's right She tattle taled [00:48]And we don t like tattle tales very much, do we? [00:50]No [00:53]Cory, what's another name for tattle tale [00:55]Snitch! [00:58]That's right! Snitch and what [01:02]Christine just did was snitch on Joyner [01:02]Aha! [01:04]And like the saying goes [01:05]Snitches get what? [01:07]Stitches! [01:10]Say it again Snitches get What? [01:11]Stitches! [01:14]One more time! Snitches get [01:15]What? [01:16]Stitches