幸运蜂蜜Lucky Lucky Honey (Live) 幸运蜂蜜Lucky Lucky Honey (Live) - Hyper Slash/嘿人李逵Noisemakers 词:HYPER SLASH(超级斩乐队)/嘿人李逵 曲:HYPER SLASH(超级斩乐队) 主唱:酸(Soon)/嘿人李逵 吉他:文件夹(Folder) 贝斯:元帅(Kool) 鼓:技安(GaeOnn) 声音制作人:金少刚 音乐混音:李军 What did you have for breakfast this morning I want honey bee Don't you know The only reason for being a bee is to make honey So I can eat it It is depressed enough to live all by yourself When you come to this place you can stay a while Let me tell some funny stories for your anxiety I don't want any of my friends feel lonely It is heart-warming when I know you're care for me Can I be your friend Let me get some lucky honey from honey tree for you It's your boy It's your boy Kui say 太过于优秀没人能接受 看我时总是要眉头紧皱 我站在了路口 不随波逐流 他们都对着我喋喋不休 但是我从不在意 他们都对我妒忌 我只能更加努力 达到我心中目的 There are many ways for you to make it for me The lucky honey My lucky bee If you ask me why you Because I am hungry Lucky lucky honey Lucky lucky honey Lucky lucky honey Lucky lucky honey 2-step come on Can't believe that someone deny the strength of lucky honey And when we step on the stage and we don't play We gone let everybody knows we just own that game Like Cinderella's fairy godmother Possess magical powers to make you happiness Also cure your pain Let's go say 伸出了右手我比出OK 我已经做好准备 让看不惯我的酸我的怨我的恨我的 全部都无言以对 就继续向前走 握紧我的拳头 Lucky lucky honey Lucky lucky honey Lucky lucky honey Lucky lucky honey And I stubbornly believe that lucky honey Will not only be experienced once in our life Even if I am so bad to you And you can not stand it But I don't feel sorry I think it is so sweet As long as you tell me that you're hungry I will give Give you all I have Your hungry is not allow Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Right now Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Right now Ama put it down in pieces Clear you of your diseases Write you up my thises thesis They know when I reach this Oh hell I meant it Everybody needs its Boy you wanna see it Yeah you released it Homie wanna keep it Real fire burning down yeah with no e vac When crowd sing that song and I need that The whole team know I got that reflex