[00:00.000] 作词 : T-Rexx/Anton@ONE PROMISE [00:01.000] 作曲 : ONE PROMISE [00:13.209]每次發脾氣走 我想你知我諗緊咩 [00:16.144]其實我內疚 but just acting as if I don't care [00:19.357]咁多年嚟 我都唔識講 [00:20.770]Now I'm gonna tell you through this song [00:22.417]你叫我做個有用嘅人 有錢人 [00:24.144]我淨係想做個孝順嘅人 [00:25.591] [00:25.916]要再見了 也懶再 對你說再見 [00:28.939]已聽夠了 你說教 半句也煩厭 [00:32.062]種種委屈 翻起了 算過幾次帳 [00:35.348]尋回從前 情和仇 [00:36.984]情仇上完眉頭 腦中 擴張 [00:44.129] [00:46.091]控訴夠你的錯 [00:49.113]卻發覺我都錯 [00:52.148]我對你說的夠理解麽 [00:55.696] [00:56.195]從不想 從不該 隨便傷害 [01:02.484]這傷口 你偏偏暗中掩蓋 因這個我 [01:10.232]講出不可講出的 彼此都在受害 [01:13.355]講好應該好好更改 [01:15.812]能談話為何又只懂憤慨 [01:23.523] [01:23.956]I'm sorry [01:26.227]I'm sorry, talking to you has never been easy [01:28.938] [01:30.161]I'm sorry [01:32.502]I'm sorry, set me free [01:33.671]Cause this ain't who I wanna be [01:35.525] [01:35.775]再欠理智 也介意 對你太放肆 [01:38.609]說過抱歉 暗裡也 永遠有條刺 [01:41.751]彼此委屈 堆積滿 你我怎算帳 [01:44.944]尋回從前 情和仇 [01:47.007]情仇上完眉頭 腦中 擴張 [01:54.383] [01:55.348]控訴夠你的錯 [01:58.559]卻發覺我都錯 [02:01.573]我對你說的夠理解麼 [02:05.329] [02:05.696]從不想 從不該 隨便傷害 [02:11.888]這傷口 你偏偏暗中掩蓋 因這個我 [02:19.461]講出不可講出的 彼此都在受害 [02:22.848]講好應該好好更改 [02:25.258]能談話為何又只懂憤慨 [02:32.432] [02:32.629]知父母想關心仔女先畀意見 [02:33.869]每次見面都要 check how've been [02:35.371]不過未開口 已經覺得你好長氣 [02:36.918]未溝通 已經覺得好想放棄 [02:38.529] [02:38.752]Fact... 忍唔住 laterally told him [02:40.159]Dad... hated you 問長問短 討厭 [02:41.879]做邊個仔女我哋冇得揀 [02:43.186]賺到錢 有能力我就一去不返 [02:44.713] [02:44.983]每次番屋企都為咗小事同你嘈 [02:46.431]How many of you find this relatable [02:47.954]Whether it's political [02:48.761]Whether it's personal [02:49.562]Every conversation turns into one that is debatable [02:51.353] [02:51.586]唔係想你睇我面色 [02:52.840]淨係唔明我哋 convo 目的 [02:54.376]做緊咩 鍾意咩 講你又唔識 [02:56.079]I'ma walk out, just give me a break [02:57.607] [02:57.868]我也怕面臨道别 [03:03.977]說再見後難會面 [03:09.449] [03:10.432]從不想 從不該 随便傷害 [03:16.945]這傷口你偏一再遮掩 [03:21.778]就算淚光都掩蓋 [03:24.801]應該改的竟不改 彼此都在受害 [03:27.834]說句笑夠含糊帶過 誰還用離場後偷偷懊悔 [03:37.328] [03:38.427]I'm sorry [03:40.939]I'm sorry, talking to you has never been easy [03:43.501] [03:44.645]I'm sorry [03:47.038]I'm sorry, set me free [03:47.947]'cause this ain't who I wanna be [03:50.123] [03:51.113]I'm sorry [03:53.186]I'm sorry, talking to you has never been easy [03:56.144] [03:57.314]I'm sorry [03:59.445]I'm sorry, set me free [04:00.912]'cause this ain't who I wanna be