Don't Put A Tax On The Beautiful Girls dont Put A Tax On The Beautiful - Kathy Brier Taxes here and there taxes everywhere But the words that are yet to come they say Though i never mixed into politics I wrote to my congressman today this is just exactly what i wrote If you want the woman's vote don't put a tax on the beautiful girls For how can they live without love? You can tax their business and all that they own But have a little pity leave my pleasures alone What'll i do on some beautiful night if some nice young fella should call? Suppose it cost a dime to kiss a girl on a cheek How's the fellow gonna live on fifty a week? So don't put a tax on the beautiful girls or we won't get no loving at all Don't put a tax on the beautiful girls for how can they live without love? You can tax my soda i'll pay it somehow But don't you think the price Of chicken's high enough now? What'll i do on a beautiful night if some nice young fella should call? If they should ever put a tax on beautiful vamps I'll be one wild woman that'll be cover with stamps So don't put a tax on the beautiful girls or we won't get no loving at all Why it's alright for the old maids who are too old to tempt But every woman over forty should be exempt So don't put a tax on the beautiful girls Or we won't get no loving at all