DJ Fernando Martínez Hello I'm Fernando Martinez people always say to me Fernando,when I was to kill myself or cry on my pillow or my wife has just left me for my sister I don't have no music to play assuming I'm not near a radio and can listen to you on the radio Because Fernando,you are a genius and it is the only station I ever listen through One day,while I watching dull TV I say to myself: Fernando,you are a genius people are trying out for a soundtrack to listen to to give them an optimistic slant on the through times in life you see,love is like a roller coaster you pay a lot of money to be tossed around and before you know it the writers are and you are touring vomit and if you are less than four foot six they don't even let you get on you see,music says things that worse can add when you break up with your girlfriend or your boyfriend or both or you get fired for embezzling you need music music to stare out the window or standing the rain or drive on the freeway in a convertible with the top down in a snowstorm So,if you are feeling a little bit down let Fernando take you on a journey Whatever cruising means to you here's music to cruise to Emotion98.3