Still Friends 作词 : Forrest Nolan 作曲 : Forrest Nolan You said that you heard This could be good inspiration, I laughed Mostly from discomfort And stopped making eye contact I hope your feelings Weren’t hurt too bad when I did that People tend to laugh When you say a funny joke Or just a quote Like one from the office Where I kind of expected Like hey can we talk I haven’t been that happy It’s over So don’t try to change my mind We've done this 3 times now And I think we’re both ready for a change in both of our lives I’ll always care about you but it can’t be in the same way That’s just not how things work You said that your so glad That we spent the time the we did together I agreed completely and cried in elation That we’re on the same page First time in a long fu*king while People tend to change When you get them thinking they did something wrong Even when they didn’t, even when you tell them They're perfect They're welcome to come by to your house Any time So don’t try and change my heart This is the part where you leave With a kiss on the cheek Not the lips And it breaks my heart To see you frown But it hurts even more When I see you smile At least for a while Wish we could talk on the phone At least for a while Got a feeling I’ll feel much better Though might take a while Maybe when I’m older Maybe when your older So old we buy coffee together or separate Just old enough that we’re Still friends