FORGOTTEN [Vocal : ermhoi (Black Boboi / millennium parade)] 作词 : 大沢伸一/RHYME 作曲 : 石原慎一/RHYME/大和田慧 We’ve forgotten to feel We’ve forgotten how to think We’ve forgotten how to love each other We’ve forgotten We’re loosing loosing our minds loosing our minds We’ve forgotten the joy of dancing the joy of dancing We’ve forgotten We keep on walking on repeat We’ve forgotten No mind white noise on repeat We’ve forgotten Loving Dancing Holding Forgetting Waiting Breathing Loosing and waking Smashing Working Sleeping a no loving and dancing, and dancing, and dancing, and dancing 忘れてる 忘れている 忘れてる 感じること Living Bleeding Holding and longing Taking Making Loosing and waking Crashing Talking Missing and kissing and dancing, and dancing, and dancing, and dancing We’ve forgotten We’ve forgotten How to be loud How to be proud Loving Dancing Holding Forgetting Waiting Breathing Loosing and waking Smashing Working Sleeping and loving and dancing, and dancing, and dancing, and dancing We’ve forgotten Forgotten... We were waiting for a storm to run and hide off together an excuse of innocent danger to dry each other keeping warm in the crowd keeping warm in the crowd We’ve forgotten We’ve forgotten Oh ye ye ye ye ye