[00:00.000] 作词 : 直火帮 Straight Fire Gang [00:01.000] 作曲 : 直火帮 Straight Fire Gang [00:02.000] 编曲 : 直火帮 Straight Fire Gang/yb [00:07.429]混音:yb [00:11.431]母带:Joe LaPorta [00:13.679] [00:14.183]Zigga: [00:14.683]True to the crew [00:16.429]True to the crew [00:18.434]True to the crew [00:20.430]True to the crew [00:22.183]True to the crew [00:24.183]True to the crew [00:26.179]True to the crew [00:28.184]True to the crew [00:29.683] [00:29.933]Feezy: [00:30.933]My gang better than yours [00:32.433]My bank bigger than yours [00:33.930]Yb, 通通, chuckzigga, and me [00:36.181]来自九三 没有一个人九四 [00:37.679]一个人就是 [00:38.679]没什么办法能解决掉我们四个人 [00:40.431]拜托别那么幼稚 [00:41.434]拿上我钥匙 [00:42.433]这次把车停在秋名山的脚下 [00:44.181]抬你的轿子 [00:45.431]Rapper的小世界 [00:46.930]充斥着的混圈的吊子遍布 [00:48.684]4S店里的保时捷 [00:50.681]是新一代网红的打卡线路 [00:52.684]Lower class的小子, yeah [00:54.933]Yeah, keep my circle tight 因为外面呵呵太多 [00:57.433]Talk to me nice 否则你也别想快活 [00:59.181]上次让我生气 这次别想一笔带过 [01:01.683]他们想和rapper成为朋友 而我却和朋友变成rapstar [01:09.431]下次集体亮相就是 谢罗姜的上市 敲钟纽约纳斯达克 [01:15.684] [01:15.930]Zigga: [01:16.180]True to the crew [01:17.933]True to the crew [01:19.930]True to the crew [01:21.933]True to the crew [01:23.679]True to the crew [01:25.683]True to the crew [01:27.684]True to the crew [01:29.434]True to the crew [01:30.680] [01:31.180]XZT: [01:31.429]True to the crew [01:32.432]直火帮 就是Dream Team [01:33.930]不用你的帮助 和我的兄弟接力 [01:35.683]I feel like我们值得所有团队学习 [01:37.679]Cook us a beef whenever you are ready [01:39.434] [01:39.684]开得太快 我们没了音讯 [01:41.683]每次出现 对他们是军训 [01:43.433]他们变得漂亮 而我们是英俊 [01:45.179]我和我的团队从不屑做什么主流明星 [01:47.183]Independent artist [01:48.679]我们和我们的听众是地下恋 [01:51.679]你不想听别的音乐 [01:52.930]像找到了满意的理发店 [01:55.431]有的时候连我自己都不相信 [01:56.933]所有这一切竟然开始于this rap thing [01:59.433]兄弟们分工合作让对手都消耗殆尽 [02:02.183] [02:02.183]每一句唱过的词 [02:04.183]娓娓道来我的故事 [02:05.933]带着我兄弟们all in [02:07.930]Sometimes I win or I lose [02:09.955]没想到换了个地方 和最好的兄弟 我们还在这 [02:13.688]没想到短短的三年 我们成为年轻的entrepreneur [02:16.937] [02:17.438]Zigga: [02:18.185]True, 是最低的标准 [02:19.938]True everyday [02:21.934]Crew从来不招人 [02:23.689]Crew never trade [02:25.684]Through不管黑夜早晨 [02:27.689]To dominate [02:29.438]Choose我们的脚本 [02:31.439]Fruit on our plate [02:33.439]兄弟知道秘密多过我妈 [02:35.435]他的安全问题我来作答 [02:37.189]要了美式绝对不点摩卡 [02:39.189]所有数据没有一项作假 [02:40.937]血洗了战场再拿来拖把 [02:42.939]腿断了三个人接过火把 [02:44.939]赚了大钱一个都不落下 [02:46.934]竞争对手按着顺序抹 [02:48.187]看他们拉帮结派 网络结拜 在我们面前得束手就擒 [02:52.185]兄弟萝卜青菜 各有所爱 饿了来吃我的,漱口就行 [02:55.935]不能背叛、欺骗、抛弃任何一个队友 没听过不能够赢 [02:59.689]不怕他一个两个三个四个巨星就算你来自布鲁克林