Falling In A Good Way Justine was the prom queen Back in 1995 Pumpkin's super pretty Like a goddess on the outside She was sweet and funny Popular and cool Gotta be a drag when you peak in high school She left college and she never went back She posed for Playboy Made it think that she could act Ten years looking for the luck She has dreams of Cali But her acting kind of suck Now she's pushing thirty-five Working at Starbucks Oh well No where to go but up Bill and Bobbie Ann Tiffany and Mike Seemed to be the kids that did everything right Now the boys are doing time For robbing a Korean store Girls know how to do internet porn Bobbie's little brother Bret always talked smack He learned that you can go too far and never get back He was drinking at the wrong place at the wrong time He said the wrong thing to the wrong guy Got himself stabbed in his one good eye Life goes south when pretty goes away The best that you can get Is when you're falling in a good way Good enough is never enough Good enough is never enough There is no where to go but up There is no where to go but up There is no where to go Jimmy found god Jimmy lost a leg Emma married well to a man she hates Cameron bought a strip club Makes a lot of dough Alex sold drugs Now he has his own reality show Life goes south when pretty goes away The best that you can get Is when you are falling in a good way Life goes south when pretty goes away The best that you can get Is when you are falling in a good way Good enough is never enough Good enough is never enough Good enough is never enough There is no where to go but up