Reason 作词 : Quan Yuan 作曲 : Tkay It's CALE Roll up Roll up Reason wit a man Reason with a man Reason wit a man I gon reason wit a man Reason with a man Reason with a man I gon reason for that reason only if I can You know this is ME I don't want your grease Go Get me cup of tea you ain't got no tips I just want to see I don't want your grease yo Tkay on the beat We don't need no fees 别看他全都是肉 晚饭他还没吃够 电脑边 的泡面 不小心 钻进了 珍贵的 键盘里头 他对着手指(纸) 说:oh no 今天的任务还没做 各位老师没来分忧 网上的人也没喷够 真逗 在网上像是无脑的僵尸见人就喷他懂天文地理 思想已退化成笑话快去原地爆炸别问你排第几 总有类上司他们都相似假公济私满脑子是利己 对这种BOSS没必要动气不值得你费口舌讲道理 唉 真的 道理他都懂 摇着靠椅 跟你 周旋到底 把你当萌宠 左手搂着CiCi 右手抱着新秘书小董 领导视察他为了拍马屁 玩儿命的往里拱 Reason wit a man Reason with a man Reason wit a man I gon reason wit a man Reason with a man Reason with a man I gon reason for that reason only if I can You know this is ME I don't want your grease Go Get me cup of tea you ain't got no tips I just want to see I don't want your grease yo Tkay on the beat We don't need no fees 他们活在自己梦里 搞不清什么是正义 没道理把他们叫醒 说也不听那就报警 在某个app里推荐位的歌曲 封面非常亮眼可惜唱的不如鸽子 Oow man 你知道为什么他们唱的那么烂 他们只管流量作品有质量但没名的靠边上站 到底是对音乐人的尊重还是自以为是的妄断 如果有一天跟大牌合作是不是才能算有档案 Woahh Vicky / we ain't called no 'Ching Chang' if you say da again I'll slap you like I'm playin Ping Pong Maybe sneak into your house and take your teddy bear away even if they followed you but you know fame will fade away Reason wit a man Reason with a man Reason wit a man I gon reason wit a man Reason with a man Reason with a man I gon reason for that reason only if I can You know this is ME I don't want your grease Go Get me cup of tea you ain't got no tips I just want to see I don't want your grease yo Tkay on the beat We don't need no fees