Wanna Be Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna be This is your decision Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girl, old and young 調子どう? 声聞かせてよ ああなりたい こうなりたい 流される必要はない Just stay yourself "Yes be myself!!" I say NO! NO!"Wanna Be"people Everybody goes crazy crazy for the trend Don't set yourself stack what the other say オツカレサマデス! 右向け右 左向け左 誰がDriver? どんなシステムで踊らされてるの? ひねくれても良い 右向け左 何がID? お前は誰? ちゃんと見つけてみせてよ Fu! Right now, show me your original dance! Show me your original dance! You always check da phone What's goin' on? 何見てんの? トレンド追いかけんの?イイネ Be careful not to be 量産型のstudent 君は君だから 流行り廃りがSNSをrun through そのせいでeverybody is confused It's your choice"SLAVE or FREE" オツカレサマデス! 右向け右 左向け左 誰がDriver? どんなシステムで踊らされてるの? ひねくれても良い 右向け左 何がID? お前は誰? ちゃんと見つけてみせてよ Fu! Right now, show me your original dance! Show me your original dance! Just stay yourself, just stay yourself Show me your original dance! Fu! Right now Coz you're only one Show me your original dance! Show me your original dance! Just stay yourself, just stay yourself Show me your original dance! Show me your original dance! Say what you want Do what you want Be what you want This is your ID!! Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna be This is your decision Show me your original face!!