Run And Hide ... Enough is enough Life's easier said than done Soon the best and the worst will come, the worst will come Cold air burns my face But the nearness of you I've found my faith Run, run, run and hide Tried my best to find you tonight I saw the light But closed my eyes Prayed for the daylight, the daylight Tonight It was just you and I But we closed our eyes Prayed for the daylight, the daylight You came along in my dreams I tried to be everything but me That's when I saw the truth I could not refuse life without you Run, run, run and hide Tried my best to find you tonight I saw the light But closed my eyes Prayed for the daylight, the daylight Tonight It was just you and I But we closed our eyes Prayed for the daylight, the daylight Oooh... Oooh... Run, run, run and hide Tried my best to find you tonight ...