[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:00.974] 作曲 : 无 [00:01.949](没错又是Otto手打和翻译的sd歌词哈哈哈) [00:07.987]【Narrator(Otto)】Good morning everyone 大家早上好 [00:10.737]Today I'm your narrator 我是今天的主讲人 [00:12.990]And, umm, Today I'm gonna talk about Otto and his friends 然后呢我们今天准备讲讲狒狒和他的小伙伴们的故事 [00:19.234]Okay the story starts in a beautiual island called Dodo Island 故事发生在一个叫多多岛的美丽海岛上 [00:23.985]which is surrounded by beautiful blue sea and ...what? 它被一片湛蓝的海洋所包围...怎么回事? [00:28.490]【Listener(Otto)】Wait, wait wait wait... 等一下 [00:30.487]Okay, hey dude 那个,老兄啊 [00:33.236]Am I just listening to a song from Zootopia Chorus?我不是在听动物园的歌吗??? [00:37.987](塑普)这什么鬼咯??? [00:39.485](塑普)你是不是走错片场咯??? [00:41.737]【Narrator(Otto)】Okay,can you just shut up and get the **** off? 您好,请问能麻烦你闭上你的嘴然后有多远滚多远吗? [00:46.240]Thank you 谢谢您的配合 [00:47.737]Okay let's continue 好的我们继续讲故事 [00:50.991]How about we just go straight to the song? 要不咱干脆直接听歌吧 [00:55.994]Okay,bring the beat in 那好,音乐响起来 [00:59.489]【All(主音:贝贝)】They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight, 两辆 四辆 六辆跟八辆 [01:02.484]【All(主音:Harold)】shunting trucks and hauling freight. 拉着货车厢 载着货物 [01:05.490]【All(主音:DaDa)】Red and green and brown and blue, 红色 绿色 棕色跟蓝色 [01:07.988]【All(主音:Otto)】they're the Really Useful Crew. 它们都是非常有用的小火车 [01:10.737]【All(主音:Louisa)】All with different roles to play, 它们扮演着不同的角色 [01:12.992]【All(主音:Mars)】round Tidmoth Sheds or far away. 绕着提茅斯机房或是到远方 [01:15.986]【All(主音:Scorpius)】Down the hills and round the bends, 滑下山丘 绕过转弯处 [01:18.238]【All(主音:Nervous)】Otto and his friends. 狒狒跟他的朋友们 [01:21.244]【All】Otto 狒狒 [01:21.999]【Otto】he's the cheeky one. 他胆子很大 [01:23.985]【All】Mars 马小粪 [01:24.240]【Mars】is vain but lots of fun. 爱炫耀但很有趣 [01:26.237]【All】DaDa 哒哒 [01:27.236]【DaDa】pulls the mail on time. 准时拉邮件 [01:28.993]【All】Nervous 绿绿 [01:29.744]【Nervous】thunders down the line. 轰隆隆地开过铁轨 [01:31.740]【All】Louisa 路易莎 [01:32.484]【Louisa】really knows her stuff. 确实精通业务 [01:34.494]【All】Scorpius 皮皮 [01:34.992]【Scorpius】toots and huffs and puffs. 鸣响汽笛 喷气在喷气 [01:36.745]【All】BeiBei 贝贝 [01:37.746]【贝贝】wants to help and share. 想帮忙和分享 [01:39.740]【All】Harold 哈若 [01:40.240]【Harold】well let's just say, 我们这么说吧 [01:41.737]【All】 he's square! 它很方正! [01:44.744]【All】They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight, 两辆 四辆 六辆跟八辆 [01:47.747]shunting trucks and hauling freight. 拉着货车厢 载着货物 [01:49.994]Red and green and brown and blue, 红色 绿色 棕色跟蓝色 [01:52.744]they're the Really Useful Crew. 它们都是非常有用的小火车 [01:55.485]All with different roles to play, 它们扮演着不同的角色 [01:57.736]round Tidmoth Sheds or far away. 绕着提茅斯机房或是到远方 [02:00.743]Down the hills and round the bends, 滑下山丘 绕过转弯处 [02:03.497]Otto and his friends. 狒狒跟他的朋友们 [02:10.996]【Narrator(Otto)】dadadadadadadadadadadadadada kk sorry (哼曲)(笑)(咳嗽)打扰了 [02:18.497]So much for the story today 今天的故事就到这儿了 [02:20.493]I’m still your narrator 我还是你们的主讲人 [02:22.745]and thanks for listening 感谢大家的收听 [02:24.487]By the way, if you like Otto and his friends, please subscribe our channel 对了,如果你喜欢狒狒和他的小伙伴们,可以关注一下我们的团号哦 [02:29.994]We are waiting for you in Zootopia 我们在动物园等你哦 [02:32.487]The Only Zootopia 独一无二的动物园