By Cover of night she taunts you Mysterious eyes to sink into What are her plans toward you? She covets lies to hide the truth She Breeds a new kind of lie, And in your dreams she mystifies She slays them all with just a smile Her body is *** personified So don't let down your guard Weakness has gone too far The Temptress knows the time is right Already seduced you've crossed the line A single sigh suddenly, breaks the silence A gasp of breath and then You know it's too late As her perfumed body closes in She Hunts for you (Temptress) She Wont let go (Till she is done) She lives for you (Temptress) She Won't let go She continues to draw you in Surface the feelings held within She takes her role to the extreme Whilst you reflect, why me? Twisted fascination drives you on Laughter and promise of her love You wonder what she wouldn't do Her dark desire, possession of you A single sigh... She Hunts for... Why was I so weak and selfish When all I had to be was strong You broke down my defenses And left me all alone You were the weak one you made my role so easy So I took all, that you had to give Bleed now my broken Angel Your wings are surely clipped I turned your life around And now she can't forgive A single sigh... She Hunts for... The wolf chases you (Temptress) She hunts you down, (now you must run) She's taunting you (Temptress) She has it all