作词 : W$H. 作曲 : W$H. [00:06]世界末日 [00:07]作词:W$H [00:08]作曲:W$H [00:09]编曲:situasian张太郎 [00:11]混音:Youngkilla_ [00:12]录制:雨印工作室 [00:17]Intro: [00:17]Worlds torn apart ain’t nobody know [00:20]世界崩塌了 无人知晓 [00:21]My walls are crumbling down, now i’m letting go [00:24]如今我最后的堡垒也溃塌了 我只好放手 [00:26]I’m stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold [00:27]我不着寸缕 被遗忘在冰天雪地 [00:30]Hook: [00:34]My worlds torn apart ain’t nobody know [00:36]我的世界崩塌了 无人知晓 [00:38]My walls are crumbling down, now I’m letting go [00:40]如今我最后的堡垒也溃塌了 我只好放手 [00:42]I’m stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold [00:44]我不着寸缕 被遗忘在冰天雪地 [00:46]I’m losin my grip and this feelin its killin me [00:47]失控的感觉让我生不如死 [00:48]Needin that somethin to hold [00:49]需要依靠自己去拯救 [00:51]Now that the tables have turned you winnin so [00:52]如今你时来运转 赢了这局 [00:54]You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know [00:57]可我知道你是靠出卖灵魂给魔鬼来换取 [00:59]My heart is achin and I’m faintin while you put on a show [01:01]在你作秀时我心痛不已 我宁愿死去 [01:02]Now with those lies I’m losin my mind [01:03]这些谎言已逼疯了我自己 [01:06]Verse1: [01:06]他在凌晨下笔 [01:07]听着钟摆的声音 [01:08]时间已经三点半 [01:10]还在他的路上飞驰的走 [01:12]闲言碎语也不去管 [01:14]鼓起勇气 [01:16]他终于写下他的第一句 [01:19]笨拙的腔调 [01:20]简单的排序 [01:21]flow也不够流利 [01:23]他不断的偏执 分歧 [01:25]不断的坚持 脱离 [01:27]抛开嘲笑质疑烦恼问题打碎拖延的墙壁 [01:32]心血石沉大海都没有回应难怪自己没实力 [01:35]靠积累慢慢上升脚踏实地从不凭运气 [01:40]毕业两年 工作爱情一份接一份换 [01:42]面对阴暗面时心底还是他妈看不惯 [01:44]每当深夜面对墙壁反思发问 [01:46]是随波逐流还是奋起反抗发奋 [01:48]面对质疑 [01:49]他还是像个孩子 [01:50]学会微笑面对那天他的头也不会抬了 [01:52]在旁人看来 [01:53]他始终是个异类 [01:54]用自我的规则行走在这个社会 [01:56]依旧还是没有学会 [01:57]奉承与阳奉阴违 [01:59]日见憔悴精神疲惫终日奔波劳累 [02:01]在拥挤的人潮 [02:02]坚持梦想的珍贵 [02:03]活出真实的模样 [02:04]毕竟时间没法倒退 [02:05]黑与白 [02:06]善与恶 [02:07]保持真实 [02:08]不论对与错 [02:09]在变幻的光景扮演着不同的角色 [02:10]感谢所得所获 [02:12]让他珍惜此刻 [02:14]Hook: [02:15]My worlds torn apart ain’t nobody know [02:16]我的世界崩塌了 无人知晓 [02:20]My walls are crumbling down, now I’m letting go [02:22]如今我最后的堡垒也溃塌了 我只好放手 [02:23]I’m stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold [02:24]我不着寸缕 被遗忘在冰天雪地 [02:27]I’m losin my grip and this feelin its killin me [02:28]失控的感觉让我生不如死 [02:29]Needin that somethin to hold [02:30]需要依靠自己去拯救 [02:31]Now that the tables have turned you winnin so [02:32]如今你时来运转 赢了这局 [02:34]You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know [02:36]可我知道你是靠出卖灵魂给魔鬼来换取 [02:38]My heart is achin and I’m faintin while you put on a show [02:42]在你作秀时我心痛不已 我宁愿死去 [02:43]Now with those lies I’m losin my mind [02:43]这些谎言已逼疯了我自己 [02:45]Verse2: [02:47]他问信仰的神 [02:48]为何还是一个人 [02:49]在城市中央质问 [02:49]梦想何时能完成 [02:51]一恍神 [02:52]十年已经过去 [02:53]还是不敢忘记不敢放弃 [02:53]名利之间权衡 [02:55]个中滋味 自我体会 当他学会比对 [02:59]当他带着他的故事和内心的固执慢慢学会闭嘴 [03:03]最孤寂时光孤独模样想要闯出名堂 [03:05]独自背上行囊 [03:06]离家号角成为绝唱 [03:08]他逐渐成熟有了城府不在轻浮 [03:10]痛苦的心中虽有痛处藏于心处不去和人倾诉 [03:12]在空荡房间回忆过往 [03:14]与孤独携手共闯 [03:16]他心境平和不在争抢 [03:18]保持沉默心里话也不去讲 [03:20]还是不断唱 [03:21]不断想 [03:22]不断的进阶他的技巧 [03:24]不断犯错不断改正保证他的信仰 [03:26]也是最后一次仅有坚持带着尊严进场 [03:28]他在扭曲清醒中现实梦境中保持冷静平静与安宁 [03:32]面对镜中的冷漠的轮廓提醒他要不断前行 [03:37]他重拾信心后 [03:38]还是不断的碰壁 [03:39]在失败中汲取劝告与建议 [03:41]在善意的提醒找寻内心的真理 [03:42]不断的提高境界变得 [03:44]不 再 攀 比 [03:45]身在何方去往何处 [03:47]前路依旧凶险 [03:49]对身边的每个人致谢 [03:52]感谢陪我走到终点 [03:54]Hook: [03:54]My worlds torn apart ain’t nobody know [03:55]我的世界崩塌了 无人知晓 [03:59]My walls are crumbling down, now I’m letting go [04:00]如今我最后的堡垒也溃塌了 我只好放手 [04:03]I’m stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold [04:05]我不着寸缕 被遗忘在冰天雪地 [04:06]I’m losin my grip and this feelin its killin me [04:08]失控的感觉让我生不如死 [04:09]Needin that somethin to hold [04:09]需要依靠自己去拯救 [04:10]Now that the tables have turned you winnin so [04:12]如今你时来运转 赢了这局 [04:15]You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know [04:16]可我知道你是靠出卖灵魂给魔鬼来换取 [04:19]My heart is achin and I’m faintin while you put on a show [04:21]在你作秀时我心痛不已 我宁愿死去 [04:23]Now with those lies I’m losin my mind [04:26]这些谎言已逼疯了我自己