Party In Me Party In Me -Duck Sauce There is a place straying Every people look for fun Music can be beat Everybody is dancing Everybody is dancing Everybody is dancing Everybody is dancing My body is moving The morn my body is moving The morn my body is moving The morning like we see Everybody is dancing Everybody is dancing Everybody is dancing Everybody is dancing My body is moving The morn my body is moving The morn my body is moving The morning like we see All you get it on Oh The party in me Be for you and you round it Be for you and you round it The party in me The party in me The party in me The party in me The party in me The party in me The party in me The party in me The party in me Dancing The party in me Dancing The party in me Dancing The party in me Dancing The party in me The party in me The party in me The party in me Dancing The party in me The party in me