Blackway-Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Match)(Mike Zhou remix) 作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 Two thousand off the meters 从两千米高空坠落 Two thousand surroundin' us 两千敌军将我们包围 Travel two thousand kilometers to hang out with us 和我们穷追不舍纠缠两千公里 What's up, danger? (Danger) 怎么样,危险物(危险物) What's up, danger? (Danger) 怎么样,危险物(危险物) Traveled two hundred miles, knockin' at your door 跋涉200英里敲响你的门 And I don't really care if you ain't done wrong, come on 我压根不在意是不是你做的好事,别扯了 What's up, danger? (Danger) 怎么样,危险物(危险物) Don't be a stranger (Stranger) 别置身事外了 I like it when trouble brews, I won’t dare change 我喜欢麻烦滋生的感觉,我不惧挑战 I like it when there’s turbulence on my airplanes 我享受飞机遇上强气流的刺激感觉 I like it when I assess things I can’t see yet 我喜欢预测未知的事情 Swimmin' with sharks when they ain't feed yet 和饥饿的鲨鱼一起游泳 'Cause I like high chances that I might lose 我喜欢胜负未知的挑战 I like it all on the edge just like you, ayy 我喜欢游走在危机边缘的感觉 I like tall buildings just so I can leap off of 'em 我喜欢高楼大厦因为我可以从上面一跃而下 I go hard wit' it no matter how dark it is 无论前方的路有多黑暗我都会勇往直前 Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh If I'm crazy, I'm on my own 我疯狂吗,我是个独行侠 If I'm waitin', it's on my throne 我还在等待吗,我要坐上属于我的王座 If I sound lazy, just ignore my tone 如果我的话听起来漫不经心,别介意我的语气 'Cause I'm always gonna answer when you call my phone 因为每次你找上门时我都有求必应 Like what's up, danger? (Danger) 怎么样,危险物(危险物) Like what's up, danger? (Danger) 怎么样,危险物(危险物) Can't stop me now 我势不可挡 I said, "I got you now" 我说我逮到你了 I'm right here at your door 我现在就站在你家门口 I won't leave, I want more 我不会空手而归 What's up, danger? 想打一架吗,混蛋 Yeah, what's up, danger? Yeah,想打一架吗,混蛋 Can't stop me now, yeah 我所向披靡 I said I got you now 我说我逮到你了 Come on, what's up, danger? 怎么样,危险物(危险物) Come on, I said, What's up, danger? 怎么样,我说,危险物(危险物) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we are the way up (Way up) 是的,是的,是的,是的,我们正一路攀升(攀升) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we are the way up (Way up) 是的,是的,是的,是的,我们正一路攀升(攀升) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we are the way up (Way up) 是的,是的,是的,是的,我们正一路攀升(攀升) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we are the way up (Way up) 是的,是的,是的,是的,我们正一路攀升(攀升) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we are the way up (Way up) 是的,是的,是的,是的,我们正一路攀升(攀升) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we are the way up (Way up) 是的,是的,是的,是的,我们正一路攀升(攀升) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we are the way up (Way up) 是的,是的,是的,是的,我们正一路攀升(攀升) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we are the way up (Way up) 是的,是的,是的,是的,我们正一路攀升(攀升) Way up 一路攀升 Father, father, unforgiveable 天父在上,你不可饶恕 This is my house, you made it personal 这是我的地盘,你却占为己有 It's always trouble when they go too far 他们做得过火,总会惹麻烦 Nobody mention my familia 我的家族至今无人问津 Father, father, could you bless his soul? 天父在上,保佑他的灵魂吧 He talking crazy, I may lose control 他言语狂妄,我怕我会失控暴怒 It’s always trouble when they go too far (Uah) 他们做事过火,总会惹麻烦 Nobody mention my familia (Anuel) 我的家族至今无人问津 I'm on the edge, don't pull up on me 我已被你逼到边缘,不准触及我的底线 You pay the price, and that's a warning, oh-woah 你将为此付出代价,而这绝不是虚张声势 Now you a dead man for real 在我眼中,你与死人无异 Nobody mention my familia 我的家族至今无人问津 This is my home, this is my city 这是我的城市,我的地盘 If I go down, you coming with me, oh-woah 如果我跌下神坛,你也得跟着倒霉 Now you a dead man for real 在我眼中,你与死人无异 Nobody mention my familia 我的家族至今无人问津 You ain't got a chance, boy 你没有地步容许再犯错了 小子 What you think? (Huh?) 所以你的意思是? I thrown in everything but the kitchen sink (Yeah) 我将所有东西都抛弃除了我那激进的现实主义 I try to be friendly in the neighborhood (Okay) 我试着在我的邻居当中树立善良友好的形象 I know all the little grannies wanna sip they tea (Yeah) 我知道所有人都想慢悠悠地享受着下午茶 And here you come, all bargin' in (Huh?) 你出现了 闯入了他们的生活 All ugly like a brown fur cardigan 难看得像一件棕色的毛皮开襟羊毛衫 We receive the monologue and the arguin' 我们接受你的开场独白与自我辩解 I'm like 我就像是 Who in here tryna start a riot? 谁想在此挑起事端? (Woo, let’s start a riot, yeah) (哈 让我们来制造一场暴动吧 没错) Who in here tryna start a riot? 谁想在此挑起事端? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s go) (来吧 让我们行动起来) Who in here tryna start it? 是谁想从现在开始的? Who in here tryna start a riot? 谁想在此挑起事端? (Woo, let's start a riot, yeah) (哈 让我们来制造一场暴动吧 没错) Who in here tryna start a riot? 谁想在此挑起事端? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go) (来吧 让我们行动起来) Who in here tryna start it? 是谁想从现在开始的? Yeah, yeah, yeah, bang biu biu biu 嘣 (Down he go, down he go, down he g-g-g-g-) 他从这飞跃而下 Who in here tryna start it? 谁想在此挑起事端? (Down he go, down he go, let's go, down he go) 他从这飞跃而下 惩奸除恶 Who in here tryna start it? 谁想在此挑起事端? You pick me up when I'm down, I need you around 当我沮丧时是你将沉溺的我捞起,每分每秒都想有你陪伴 You seen me through my darkest times 你帮我度过了人生中最黑暗沉重的时光 Love isn't something that you try to find 这样美好的缘分只可遇不可求 You brought meaning to my life 我的可爱甜心给我的无聊枯燥的生活带来了新的意义 All because of you, I do right 我做的所有正确选择原因都是因为你 Because of you, I have a purpose 我立下所有远大志向原因都是为了你 I **** for the world because you're worth it 我的宝贝值得我为之去对抗整个世界 Really think I found my home, shorty made me feel at home 想必是我找到了属于自己的归宿,可爱女孩让我像在温暖的家园 She made me leave the thrills at home and I'm fine with it 她让我将所有的迷恋与激情都留予了她,我乐意去接受这一切 She really made me lose control, I'ma let my love unfold 她让我情难自禁,为了她而真情流露 We're just two lost souls, but we're fine with it 只是两个残缺的个体,但感激的是彼此相依 I wanna fly right now 我现在就想展翅翱翔 I wanna see all my homies get down 我想看着我所有的兄弟家人脚踏实地 I wanna feel like I can't come down 我亦想尝试永不坠落的滋味 I got a dream so I can’t stop now 我内心怀着宏图壮志 所以我一刻也不能停歇 I wanna, I wanna fly right now 我想翱翔蓝天 即刻启程 飞向未来 I wanna see all my homies get down 我想看着我所有的兄弟家人幸福生活 I wanna feel like I can't come down 我亦想尝试永不坠落的滋味 I got a dream so I can't stop now 我内心怀着宏图壮志 所以我一刻也不能停歇 I gotta stop feeling invisible and start feeling invincible 我将不再让自己觉得卑微透明 要让自己变得所向披靡 Hey, feeling impossible 嘿 尽情感觉不可能的滋味吧 The hardest thing is believing in your dreams 这世上最难的事莫过于相信你自己的梦想 Stop feeling invisible and start feeling invincible 不再让自己觉得弱小无助 要让自己变得战无不胜 Hey, feeling impossible 嘿 尽情享受不可能的滋味吧 The hardest thing is believing in your dreams 这世上还有事比相信你自己的梦想更难吗 Memories 陌生的记忆 It's gon' take some gettin' used to 想必这需要一些时间学着去适应 Memories 特殊的记忆 Feel the pain when it hits you 感受痛楚当它向你袭来 Memories 模糊的记忆 Don't you ever let them fool you 别让它们将你愚弄得晕头转向 Don't you ever let them fool you 别让它们将你愚弄得晕头转向 'Cause I know that you know that it ain't true 因为我知道 你深深感知这一切都并不真实 I learned the hard way about trust, about us, about us 关于我们的信任 我已经历过惨痛的教训 You sin and be on your high horse, 你犯下了错误 还表现的趾高气昂 We’re not so stable anymore 我们彼此的关系看似不再稳定 What’s left if I give you my all? 如果我将我的一切毫无保留的给予你 我还会剩下什么 Give you my all, give you my all 给予你我的一切 给予你我的所有 What's left if I give you my all? 如果我将我的一切毫无保留的给予你 我还会剩下什么 Give you my all, give you my all 给予你我的一切 给予你我的全部 What’s left if I give you my all? 如果我将我的一切毫无保留的给予你 我还会剩下什么 Give you my all, give you my all 给予你我的一切 给予你我的所有 What's left if I give you my all? 如果我将我的一切毫无保留的给予你 我还会剩下什么 Give you my all, give you my all 给予你我的一切 给予你我的全部 My memories came back in the form of someone else 我的记忆以另一个人的形式回来了 I know this feelin', yes I know it very well 我清楚这种奇妙的感觉 是的 我非常了解这种感觉 Why won't you love me now? Why won’t you love me now? 为何你不能从现在起开始爱我 为什么你不能放手去爱 Why won't you love me now? Why won't you love me now? 为何你不能从现在起开始爱我 为什么你不能放手去爱 I just wanna swing and fly away (Fly away) 我只想尽情飞荡,于天空中翱翔(翱翔) I just wanna see a better day (Better day) 我只想能目睹更美好的明日(更美好的明日) I just wanna soar and never drown (Never drown) 我只想冲上云霄,永不坠地(永不坠地) I'm looking for my happiness now (Now) 我现在正追寻着我的幸福 I just wanna swing and fly away (Fly away) 我只想尽情飞荡,于天空中翱翔(翱翔) I just wanna see a better day (A better day) 我只想能目睹更美好的明日(更美好的明日) I just wanna soar and never drown (Drown) 我只想冲上云霄,永不坠地(永不坠地) I'm looking for my happiness now, yeah 我现在正追寻着我的幸福 Sometimes I don't really know myself 有时我无法看清我自己 Devil on my back, pray for me, need help 恶魔正对我虎视眈眈,请为我祈祷,请帮帮我 Angel in the front tryna guide my steps (My steps) 天使正立于我前方,指引我方向 Who do you call when you need some help? (Some help) 当你需要帮助之时,你会呼唤谁呢? Who do you call when you by yourself? (Yourself) 当你孤军奋战之时,你会呼唤谁呢? Who do you call when you feel down low? (Down low) 当你情绪低落时,你会呼唤谁呢? I just wanna scream, I just wanna explode (Explode) 我想尖叫,我想爆发 I, I just wanna let go (Let go) 我,我只是想放下这一切 I just wanna let go (I, yeah) 我只是想放下这重担 I just wanna let go (I, yeah) 我只是想放开这责任 I just wanna let go (I, I just wanna let go) 我只是想抛开这枷锁 I just wanna let go (I, I just wanna let go) 我只是想放下这一切 I'm not scared of the dark 我不畏惧黑暗 I'm not running, running, running, no, 我没有在逃跑 躲闪 或是回避 I'm not afraid of the fall 我也不害怕坠落 I'm not scared, not at all 对于这一切 我都没有丝毫的畏惧 Why would a star, a star ever be afraid of the dark? 就像夜空中明亮的星星 何曾惧怕过黑暗? I'm not scared 我不畏惧 I'm not scared, need to grab the stars 我不畏惧 想要攫取那些繁星 I'm not scared of the dark 我从不惧怕黑暗 Of the dark, mm 那不过是黑暗 Tunechi (韦恩) I ain't never scared and I ain't never horrified 我从没感到害怕也从未感到恐慌 I just look down at my Rolex, 当我低头看向我的Rolex It said it's the darkest times 它告诉我这是最糟糕的时刻 I ain't never terrified, I ain't never petrified 但我从没感到恐惧也从未感到胆怯 You know I see dead people, I just tell 'em, "Get a life" 你知道我遇见那些亡灵时 我只会告诉他们“重生吧” I ain't never scurred, I'm not sure if that's a word 我从不“逃窜” 虽然我不确定是否存在那个词 But I mean every word, feelin', like, "Do not disturb," wait 但我说的每一个词都是认真的 我想说“勿扰”,等等 Let me testify, I have never testified 先让我证实这一点 因为我从未证实过什么 And I'm married to my pride, I ain't never, never cried 傲慢占据了我的全部 因而我不曾哭泣 I got eyes like marbles, if I cry they sparkle 我的双眼坚韧如石 倘若流泪将熠熠生辉 You know I can read your mind like I'm the author 知道吗 我可以读懂你的心 仿佛我就是你 There's a line for tomorrow and that line's gettin' shorter 我与明天之间仍有一条界线 而那条界线现在已经越来越模糊了 I'm behind the trigger, what if I am the target? 我躲在扳机后方 但若我就是目标又该怎么办呢 Deep sign, oh, sayonara, I ain't afraid to die 长叹一声 哦,那么再见啦,我又何曾惧怕死亡 It's either goodbye, good mornin', 是对你说永别了 还是对你说早安呢 And the skies start to fallin' 天空开始坠落 And I'ma shine in the darkness 而我将会继续在黑暗中发着光 I look back down at my Rollie, 此时我低头注视着我的Rollie It says it's time for the chorus 它告诉我是合声歌颂的时候了 You know I'm not scared 你知道我不惧怕 I'm not scared of the dark 我不惧怕黑暗 (I ain't never scared, I ain't never scared) (我不曾畏惧,也不曾胆怯) I'm not running, running, running 我也没有在逃跑 躲闪 或是回避 No, I'm not afraid of the fall (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 不 我不害怕坠落 I'm not scared, not at all 我真的一点都不害怕了 (I ain't never scared, I ain't never scared) (我不曾畏惧,也不曾胆怯) Why would a star, 就像夜空中的星星 A star ever be afraid of the dark? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 夜空中明亮的星星 何曾惧怕过黑暗? I'm not scared (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, 我不畏惧 I ain't never scared, I ain't never scared) 我不曾畏惧,也不曾胆怯 I'm not scared (Yeah, yeah, yeah), 我不畏惧 Need to grab the stars (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 我想要攫取那些繁星 I'm not scared of the dark 我不惧怕黑暗 (I ain't never scared, I ain't never scared, 我不曾畏惧,也不曾胆怯 I ain't never scared, I ain't never scared) 我不曾畏惧,也不曾胆怯 Of the dark, mm (I ain't never scared) 那不过是黑暗 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh) 哎 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh) 呜 Ayy, ayy 哎 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh 呜 Needless to say, I keep in check 毫无疑问,我总能掌控局势 She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) 不过,她是那么热辣动人 Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) 手头的事不想做了,我简直一团糟 Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) 来我家吧,宝贝你也和我差不多啊 Needless to say, I'm keepin' in check 我总能让事情走上正轨,这不言自明 She was all bad-bad, nevertheless 不过,她是那么热辣动人 Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck 我现在不想管其他了,我有点乱 Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck 今晚来我家过夜吧,宝贝你也别再多想了 Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip 你沉浸在负面情绪中,渐渐失控 Screamin' at my face, baby don't trip 对着我大吼大叫,宝贝你冷静啊 Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt 有人输得很惨,我还不知那种滋味 Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt 你用余光打量着四周,派对让人上了头 Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse 有些事你不能拒绝 She wanna ride me like a cruise 她跨坐在我身上仿佛要环游世界 And I'm not tryna lose 而我也不甘示弱啊 And you're left in the dust 你会被遗落在凡尘之中 Unless I stuck by ya 除非我能够一直陪在你身边 You're a sunflower 你像一朵娇嫩明媚的太阳花 I think your love would be too much 你的爱意让人神魂颠倒 Or you'll be left in the dust 你会被遗落在尘世之间 Unless I stuck by ya 除非我能陪你共度风雨 You're the sunflower 你像一朵娇嫩明媚的太阳花 You're the sunflower 你像一朵太阳花啊 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I’m coming home now 我现在要启程归家了 I’m coming home 启程归家 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Right where I belong now 现在要回到属于我的地方 Right where I belong 属于我的地方 They're looking for saviours, I'm looking for safety 无知的他们正在寻找着救世主 而我正在寻找着安全的地方 They're never gon' break me, take me 他们永远都不可能打败我 代替我的地位 Down on my knees, believe I'm never gon' beg or plead 跪下 相信我永远不会乞求或恳求 Yeah, I never say never, but I guarantee 是的 我相信着一切皆有可能 我保证 Gather my strength, goin' hard in the paint 集合我所有的力量 用尽全力去描绘 Paint you a picture, it's put on display 为你描绘一幅壮观的画面 它正在被展出 I'm gonna get, they don't give, do not take 我将要得到它 他们如果不肯给予 勿要强求 Can't take me down now 绝对无敌的传说永远不会被打破 My feet on the ground now 我现在脚踏实地 Fight 'til I'm down now 激战到最后一刻 Say it out loud now 现在大声将它喊出来 Say it out loud, are you ready for war? (Ayy) 大声喊出来 你是否准备好开始这场激烈的战斗 (Ayy) Evil will never prevail, suckers 弱鸡,你得知道邪不胜正 When there's a war, never fail to prosper 我随叫随到,且战无不胜(引用了X的专辑“Members Only Vol.3”封面上的话:“What is real will prosper”.) Came from the ground to the top, helicopter 我像一架直升机从山脚飞向山顶 I go hard just like the shell of a lobster 我意志顽强得就像是龙虾的盔甲 They all missin' the message 所有人都已迷失自我 All of these people sayin' that they want the treasure 他们病态地追求财富 Careful of the wishes you make up on your blessings 请珍惜你在祝福中弥补的祝愿 Because the devil in you is plottin' against you 因为你心底的恶魔在试图反对 And you'll find that your worst enemy is within you 然后你会发现你最强大的敌人其实在你体内 You could still be adopted even though you a sibling 它依然可以在你体内逐渐壮大因为你们同类 I'ma paint a vivid picture for all the children 我为所有孩子描绘出生动的图画 It's about time that we change how we livin', 是时候改变一下我们的生活方式 I get my prints in the ceilin' 我在天花板上写下我立下的誓言 I pull up and save the day 我即将出发拯救世界 Don't want any problems, I'll be your call of play 如果不想要任何麻烦,我就是你的守护使者 I'm ready for action, flying without a cape 我已经准备就绪,没有斗篷我也能漫天飞行 (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, 那么闪耀)I'm one of one, 我是万众之王 They'll never beat me, 他们只会是我的手下败将 They'll never beat me 因为没有人能够把我击溃 Look at the way I take off 看看我起飞时的飒飒英姿 I gotta stay focused and shoot for the stars 我必须保持警惕坚如磐石 I got 'em on watch and they know where we are 他们时刻监视着我,寻找我的去向 I know where I'm headed, yeah I'm goin' far 可我无影无踪,我知道我该飞向哪 Yeah I'm goin' hard and they ain't gon' stop me 我一顿狂轰滥炸,他们完全无法阻止 It's me and my friends and I know that they got me 我的拍档们都是我的坚强后盾 We levelin' up, goin' up like a rocket 我们变得无坚不摧,速度像升空的火箭 We savin' the day and nobody gon' knock 没人可以搅黄我们的世界拯救计划 Yeah we all the heroes, can't get with the fake 我们就是货真价实的超级英雄 I been through a lot, had a lot on my plate 我经历许多艰难险阻,深知世间险恶 Got no fear in my heart 'cause I know that I'm brave 但我无所畏惧因为我知道我所向披靡 (Nah, nah) 呐,呐 Never gave up, kept my head in the game 永不放弃,我会无休止的斗争 You gotta just trust me and lemme come guide you 我会指引你走向胜利,你只管相信我 If you ever get lost, then I'll come back and find you 若你迷踪失路,我一定会回来将你找到 I think they forgot so I had to remind 'em 我会时刻让他们知道我的存在 Climb all the way to the top like a spider (Yeah) 像一只蜘蛛爬向世界的最顶端 Hope we'll never link up 希望我们永远也不要联系起来 Blink and you will see us 眨眼之间你就会目视我们 Thumbprints 'bout to ink up 拇指印即将上色 See me in the NYC 咱们纽约市再见 You can never swing by me 你永远不会从我身边晃着蛛丝晃过 Hope we'll never link up 希望我们永远也不要联系起来 Blink and you will see us 眨眼之间你就会目视我们 Thumbprints 'bout to ink up 拇指印即将上色 See me in the NYC 咱们纽约市再见 Home of the B.I.G, YO 在这片 The Notorious B.I.G. 曾生长的地方 (东海岸说唱教父) They will slander me, I just plan to be 他们会想着去诽谤我 我只是计划着去这么做 Somethin' powerful for my family 这对我的家人们很重要 Try to balance life and my sanity 从我的生活与理智中试着寻找平衡 Show a different side of humanity 展现出人性的另一个面 So amazin', keep appraisin' 这简直是太神奇了 继续评价吧 Save you from a home invasion 将你从入室抢劫中拯救出来 Chasin' robbers from the bank 追捕着刚从银行出来的抢劫犯 You facin' friendly neighborhood Spider-Man 你面对着的是热心友好的邻居蜘蛛侠 Gotta go hard (Gotta go hard) 必须付出更多的努力与汗水 I ain't got time to waste (I ain't got time) 每分每秒都是宝贵不容浪费 I gotta go high (Gotta go high) 我要冲向更高的地方 I gotta elevate (I gotta elevate) 热血沸腾 我将要突破自我 They wanna fight (They wanna fight) 他们想着和我来一场你死我活的斗争 I'm just gon' let 'em hate (I'm just gon' let 'em hate) 我只会让你们感受恨我却又不能嫩死我的感觉 I gotta go high (Gotta go high) 我要冲向更高的地方 I gotta elevate (I gotta elevate) 热血沸腾 我将要突破自我 Okay 好的 I fight crime through the nighttime 我彻夜与犯罪作着激烈斗争 When the light shine, I go python 当阳光照耀到每个阴暗角落时我便遁去 I've fallen, on my last lifeline 我坠落了 就在我最后的救命绳索上 There's no way in my right mind 在我大脑里的思绪一片混乱 My city up on my back tight 我的背上背负了整座城市 How can I possibly act right? 可我怎么样才能表现出正确的呢? I'm Robin Hood, I'm the Black Knight 我是行侠仗义的罗宾汉 亦是穿梭午夜的黑暗骑士 I know you heard 'bout my last fight 我知道你听闻了我上一次的战斗 'Cause I win, over and over again 因为胜利的天枰总会倒向我身边 Battlin' evil, I'm hopin' to win 对抗邪恶 我内心渴望着胜利 Fightin' my demons, I'm nice for a reason 和我内心的恶魔抗争 我总有身不由己的原因 Enticed with the bleedin', I'm showin' my sins 在鲜血流淌的诱惑下 我在展示着我所犯的恶罪 How can you expect me to stay sane? Protect me 而你又怎么指望我保持清醒呢? 请保护我 My technique go X speed on high waves and jet skis 在浪潮和水上摩托中我的技能点被加满 I jump off this building to save these civilians 我飞跃而下拯救这些无辜的平民 My strength and my honor is trusted by children 我的力量与荣耀是源于孩子们的信任 I'm ready and willing to fight all these villains 我整装待发 请愿着与这些坏蛋恶棍们战斗 No chaos or killings, my style is so brilliant 没有混乱和杀戮 我的风格是如此的精彩绝妙 Gotta go hard (Gotta go hard) 必须付出更多的努力与汗水 I ain't got time to waste (I ain't got time) 每分每秒都是宝贵不容浪费 I gotta go high (Gotta go high) 我要冲向更高的地方 I gotta elevate (I gotta elevate) 热血沸腾 我将要突破自我 They wanna fight (They wanna fight) 他们想着和我来一场你死我活的斗争 I'm just gon' let 'em hate (I'm just gon' let 'em hate) 我只会让你们感受恨我却又不能嫩死我的感觉 I gotta go high (Gotta go high) 我要冲向更高的地方 I gotta elevate (I gotta elevate) 热血沸腾 我将要突破自我 You gotta choose a side, you gotta choose a side 你最好清楚自己的立场 你最好选择选择为谁而站 You gotta pick 你必须做出选择 You gotta do what's right or you gonna lose the fight 你最好做出正确的事 不然你将要输掉这场战斗 (I gotta elevate) (热血沸腾 我将要突破自我) Look, I ain't got no time to be hangin' around 听着 我可没时间到处去闲逛 Nobody tryna figure out if they good or evil 没有人试图去弄清楚他们到底是好是坏 I'm fightin' the crimes, savin' your lives 我正在惩奸除恶 救你于水火之中 One at a time, I'm killin' the rhymes 一次一个 我正在摧毁着韵脚 I do it for the people 一切为了人民 I'm Peter Parker running through the 6 我是彼得帕克正在穿越曼哈顿第六大道 With a bag full of tricks 背着一个装满戏法的背包 My boy, you better choose a side 老哥 你最好清楚自己的立场 I may have lost the battle but I will not lose the war 我可能会输掉一次战役 但我可不会输掉整个战争 I can promise you I will not lose this time 我可以向你保证这一次战斗绝不会失败 And I did it all independent, no really, all independent 我所完成的一切都是靠我自己 (其实也不一定) Now we winnin', I got my homies cookin' up in the kitchen 现在我们正在走向胜利 我让我的家人们在厨房做着温馨晚餐 Intuition, so we gon' have to win and come for some business 凭我的直觉 我们一定会成功 财源滚滚来 The world is mine and you gon' have to pay me attention 世界现在属于我 你必须得注意到这全场的焦点 And I did everything that I did on my own 我自食其力完成着这一切 I'm a one-to-one for real, there can never be a clone 我是独一无二的 我的成功史永远不会被克隆 Better talk to me nice, better watch yo' tone 跟哥好生说话 这是和大佬说话的语调吗? And I'm puttin' on for my home zone so I gotta go hard 我要去我的地盘了 所以我必须努力 Gotta go hard (Gotta go hard) 必须付出更多的努力与汗水 I ain't got time to waste (I ain't got time) 每分每秒都是宝贵不容浪费 I gotta go high (Gotta go high) 我要冲向更高的地方 I gotta elevate (I gotta elevate) 热血沸腾 我将要突破自我 They wanna fight (They wanna fight) 他们想着和我来一场你死我活的斗争 I'm just gon' let 'em hate (I'm just gon' let 'em hate) 我只会让你们感受恨我却又不能嫩死我的感觉 I gotta go high (Gotta go high) 我要冲向更高的地方 I gotta elevate (I gotta elevate) 热血沸腾 我将要突破自我