Jive Talkin' JIVE TALKIN' The Bee Gees It's just your jive talkin' you're telling me lies, yeah Jive talkin' you wear a disguise so misunderstood, yeah You really no good Oh, my child You'll never know Just what you mean to me You got so much You're gonna take away my energy With all your jive talkin' You're telling me lies, yeah Good lovin' Still gets in my eyes Nobody believes what you say That gets in the way Oh my love You're so good Treating me so cruel There you go with your fancy lies Leavin' me lookin' like a dumbstruck fool with all your You wear a disguise you just ain't no good Love talkin' is all very fine, yeah Just isn't a crime And if there's somebody You'll love till you die then all that jive talkin' just gets in your eye You're telling me lies,yeah Is all very fine, yeah Jive talkin', just isn't a crime and if there's somebody