Never Give Up There're some times in life when you fall down And you feel like you don't have the strength to back up So... Sort of put a mask on your face when you come to school and... Pretend that everything's okay when it's not and you go home and... Lay in your bed when no one's looking at you You don't have to impress anybody And you're yourself And fear comes in You know the fear that you have as soon as you walk into the doors of your house Maybe there's a broken home Maybe you have doubt in your life Maybe you don't know for sure what's gonna be happening in the future and... It scares you Maybe about.... You... Maybe you worried about what people think of you What people say about you Does that fear paralyses you and I just wanted to ask you today Do you think you have hope? I'm not here today to tell you I understand your pain I don't know how it feels to be abused I don't know how it feels to feel quote fat and you get an eating disorder I don't know how it feels to have a broken home But I know how it feels to have a broken heart and I know how it feels to be alone And I just want you to know that it's not the end... You change yourself You come to school And everybody swore around me in high school So I started swearing... Why!? Because it's the cool thing to do Everybody swears So I don't want to be left out And I wanted to be accepted So I started swearing You go to a party Everybody's drinking So you drink... Why!? Why everybody else around me's doing the big deal! And you start losing yourself You start putting your security in temporary things You start putting your happiness in things that won't last You can get drunk all you like But in the morning you're gonna be sober with a headache with the same problems