[00:00.10]Hymns Mash-Up, Pt. 2 [00:00.49]【Come Thou Fount】 [00:00.50]Come thou Fount of every blessing [00:05.15]Tune my heart to sing Thy grace [00:09.80]Streams of mercy never ceasing [00:14.70]Call for songs of loudest praise [00:18.08] [00:18.09]【Be Thou My Vision】 [00:18.10]Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart [00:26.88]Nought be all else to me, save that Thy art [00:35.08] [00:35.09]【Come Thou Fount】 [00:35.10]Teach me some melodious sonnet [00:39.50]Sung by flaming tongues above [00:44.78] [00:44.79]【Be Thou My Vision】 [00:44.80]Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light [00:53.34] [00:53.35]【I Need Thee Every Hour】 [00:53.36]I need Thee ev'ry hour [00:57.64]Most gracious Lord [01:02.05]No tender voice like Thine [01:06.68]Can peace afford [01:10.58] [01:10.59]【I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)】 [01:10.60]How marvelous! How wonderful! [01:17.00]And my song shall ever be: [01:21.60]How marvelous! How wonderful! [01:26.45]Is my Savior's love for me! [01:30.93] [01:30.94]【Amazing Grace】 [01:30.95]Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound [01:39.55]That saved a wretch like me [01:48.66]I once was lost, but now I'm found [01:57.88]Was blind but now.... [02:02.75] [02:02.76]【Blessed Assurance】 [02:02.77]This is my story, this is my song [02:11.20]Praising my Savior, all the day long [02:20.03] [02:20.04]【I Need Thee Every Hour】 [02:20.05]I need Thee, O I need Thee [02:25.88]Every hour I need Thee [02:30.10]O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee [02:41.64] [02:41.65]【Come Thou Fount】 [02:41.66]Here's my heart O take and seal it [02:46.30]Seal it for Thy courts above