错误 作词 : SADBOY19 作曲 : SADBOY19 编曲:tunnaA 混音:钮沅 No one knows what goes on up inside my head There's a new kind of poison and it's starting to spread But I didn't think the antidote was in my hands I can change my plans, I can change my plans. 我曾经跌入谷底 甚至呼吸不到氧气 后来努力扛起应有的责任不需要什么奖励 当我醒来仿佛在太空漂浮了半个世纪 原来鼓励往前走的只有自己 被人当作孤独患者原来只是独处惯了 努力过后换来的猜疑 那我应该怎么办呢 算了吃点亏也算是赚了 他们都在看着我还在这里站着 原来我心痛的时候也会流眼泪 不管多少失败挫折独自去面对 从头在爬起像只蚂蚁承受压力 不想成为随风飘散的沙粒 他们的评价不用再去理会 努力的积累收获着更多的机会 别再比对 到底是错是对 都无所谓了 继续往下坠 No one knows what goes on up inside my head There's a new kind of poison and it's starting to spread But I didn't think the antidote was in my hands I can change my plans, I can change my plans. 每天每夜我都在追 伤痛再大我一个人去背 总有一天我会长出翅膀继续飞 曾经发过的誓写过的字你记住没 难忘的事是不是都藏在了心底 没有给出答案和惊喜那我就清理 直到拼起 版图一块一块拼起 从没忘记讲过的话心里一直铭记 绝不低头还是步伐坚定往前走 不停的走直到走到世界尽头 想要得到努力继续肯定都会有 文字拼凑成了未来命中的每一个镜头 从不愿意半途而废 多少次深夜才睡 努力没人看见也从不需要受人待见 绝不叛变知道迟早会老 但是我会像个战士直到等到黎明破晓 No one knows what goes on up inside my head There's a new kind of poison and it's starting to spread But I didn't think the antidote was in my hands I can change my plans, I can change my plans. I tried to find my reflection on the glass But all I ever saw were the things I lack All the smudges on the mirror made me go insane All I ever thought I was Was a mistake.