[00:00.000] 作词 : 劉子淵 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 劉子淵 [00:05.69]Mix by徐冬君DiendV [01:09.43]我總會翻來覆去夢見自己死了好几遍 [01:09.43]The image of my death always replays in my dream [01:12.63]我跨過荊棘從林可前方卻是深淵 [01:12.63]In there I pass through brambles but in front of me is an abysm [01:15.16]我夢見上帝招手宿命說他要降臨 [01:15.16]And I dreamed that god is waving to me the destiny say that he will come [01:17.94]被迫的印上烙印重複不停犯著病 [01:17.94]Why this brand is stamped on me? "I feel ill" [01:20.37]看著另一個自己拼盡全力的進入夢境 [01:20.37]You dont know how many times I watch myself trying to blend into the world [01:23.90]日落時又一次的驚醒 [01:23.90]But the brand pull me back to the reality [01:26.07]那時的黃昏 散落的聖經就躺在身旁 [01:26.07]Reading the bible but the devil is in my mind."Im Jacks contradictory feeling" [01:29.22]雙手合十感受死亡的恐懼 [01:29.22]Cross my hands without blessing only can feel the fear of death [01:31.39]太多的思緒讓我懷疑自己得了病 [01:31.39]There is so many virus in my ill mind.Am i sick? [01:34.18]被鎖在懸崖難免擔心哪天大意折了命 [01:34.18]You see.I trapped in the precipice.Its so hard to avoid being kill accidentally [01:36.61]沒法看破的壓在心中快喘不上氣 [01:36.61]I am going to be stifled by my SE7EN [01:39.31]沒有救贖的方法 罪卻一直在放大 [01:39.31]I cant find the way to my redemption.But the SE7EN is going to be double [01:42.40]god we need to talk [01:45.04]當一身是罪應該怎麼做 [01:45.04]Tell me where can make me clean "heaven or hell" [01:47.51]天堂多美我也好奇過 [01:47.51]Is there beautiful? [01:50.21]迷失在此godfather為何拋棄我 [01:50.21]So am I too ugle? Why "The Godfather" let me fall? [01:52.85]經過了幾個日出 又日落 [01:52.85]Tik-tok Tik-tokk... [01:55.54]聽過的懺悔 像是在掙脫 [01:55.54]The confess I heard its like going to happen to me again [01:58.27]maybe有天我會變成牧羊人 [01:58.27]"Yes or not" maybe one day I can be "The Shepherd" [02:01.26]maybe god你的指引是我聽錯了 [02:01.26]"Go or wait" maybe god I miss your guide [02:03.82]經過了幾個日出 又日落 [02:03.82]Tik-tok Tik-tokk... [02:06.36]聽過的懺悔 像是在掙脫 [02:06.36]The confess I heard its like going to happen to me again [02:08.99]maybe有天我會變成牧羊人 [02:08.99]"Yes or not" maybe one day I can be "The Shepherd" [02:11.69]maybe god你的指引是我聽錯了 [02:11.69]And now maybe god I miss your guide [02:15.06]記得很早以前devil give adream for me [02:15.06]I remember that devil gave a dream for me before [02:16.98]前方是way out of it可我就是進不去 [02:16.98]The front is the way out of it but I cant get in [02:19.87]am i blind i can see nothing be pessimist [02:19.87]漫无目的的负面体 [02:22.66]徘徊在寂靜嶺中all day all night [02:22.66]Wandering in "The Silent Hills"all day all night [02:25.09]被判的刑罰已超過能夠承受 [02:25.09]The punishment I get it is too much I cant endure [02:27.68]大口呼吸都變得如此疼痛 [02:27.68]All too much too much breath too much pain [02:30.23]god you tell me door its always turn on [02:30.23]你和我说希望总是有的 [02:33.16]but im sick when i bron [02:33.16]但我早已无药可救 [02:36.05]my biggest trouble is my life [02:36.05]生活就像是我的宿敌 [02:38.85]keep punishing when i die [02:38.85]他会折磨我 直到我死 [02:41.52]how to go the way and why [02:41.52]他还会一点一点的让我迷失自我 [02:44.11]please dont b shocked when i die [02:44.11]所以当我要离开这里时 别惊讶 [02:46.99]my biggest trouble is my life [02:46.99]怎么活着是我最头疼的问题 [02:49.49]keep punishing when i die [02:49.49]它到我死了是否还会继续折磨我 [02:52.19]how to go the way and why [02:52.19]当我真的迷失时 [02:55.03]please dont be shocked when i die [02:55.03]我做什么都不要惊讶 [03:10.73]hand to god i promise to take every single one of these pills myself [03:10.73]以上帝的名义发誓 这些药都是我自用 [03:17.31]my life depends on it [03:17.31]我靠它续命--- 达拉斯买家俱乐部 [03:19.71]son---<> [03:22.35]its very eazy to be sarcastic about religion [03:22.35]对于宗教人们都很容易抱着嘲讽的态度 [03:27.07]but it is much more difficult...---<> [03:27.07]但更困难的是...---处刑人I [03:29.97]my biggest trouble is my life [03:29.97]生活就像是我的宿敌 [03:32.63]keep punishing when i die [03:32.63]他会折磨我 直到我死 [03:35.38]how to go the way and why [03:35.38]他还会一点一点的让我迷失自我 [03:37.91]please dont b shocked when i die [03:37.91]所以当我要离开这里时 别惊讶 [03:40.91]my biggest trouble is my life [03:40.91]怎么活着是我最头疼的问题 [03:43.50]keep punishing when i die [03:43.50]它到我死了是否还会继续折磨我 [03:46.20]how to go the way and why [03:46.20]当我真的迷失时 [03:48.89]please dont b shocked when i die [03:48.89]我做什么都不要惊讶 [03:51.78]怎樣才算活著 [03:54.07]這樣的煩惱是否到死了还会不停折磨 [03:56.92]我已經迷失了自己 [03:59.51]我做什么都不要惊讶 [04:16.21]i die. [04:19.01]i die..