Motive! 作词 : situasian张太郎/leezii/骆驼Latoo 作曲 : 骆驼Latoo/leezii/situasian张太郎 编曲: Badwine 混音: Situasian张太朗 / Leezii / Badwine 母带: Badwine 特别感谢: 田雨鑫o2的女声和声 制作人水印: Wine~ somethin is callin you (有一个东西在呼唤着你) somethin is hauntin you (你在被它困扰着) baby i know (我知道) baby somethin in you (你不是你自己了) 我已经下了赌注 但我心里没有数 让我感到很 无助 触摸到了我痛楚 baby come to think that i dont know what i am feelin but i know the feelin is true ( 我无法判断我对你的感受但是这感受又是如此真实) alright(好吧) i been checking on u all night(我已经对你蠢蠢欲动一整晚) dancing under the moonlight (在月光下起舞) im just fkn wit your vibe (你太合我胃口) i got 1 2 3 holes in my heart (我的心已经有一个两个三个洞) and i know you would never tear it apart (我知道你不会把它撕碎) i might be wrong but already been this far (我可能会错但是已经走了这么远) i ain't worry bout ****, we got something new to start (我什么都不担心,我们有全新的开始) baby i know, its not the first time i wrote this (宝贝我知道,这不是我第一次写这样的东西了) it's not the first time i focus (这不是我第一次拿着玫瑰) on a woman with some roses (把注意力全放在一个女人身上了) I got it yeah (但是我有把握) you know i got it this time (你知道这次我真的认真了) somethin is callin you (有一个东西在呼唤着你) somethin is hauntin you (你在被它困扰着) baby i know (我知道) baby somethin in you (你不是你自己了) 我已经下了赌注 但我心里没有数 让我感到很 无助 触摸到了我痛楚 baby come to think that i dont know what i am feelin but i know the feelin is true ( 我无法判断我对你的感受但是这感受又是如此真实) 她的眼神正在不停看 松绵柔软融化ice cube (冰块) 她的性感正在打着转 指尖被融在了朗姆酒 Baby你别再看了端起玻璃杯就向我走过来 I will say pardon me lady why are you so hesitate (你为何如此犹豫) 难道想给我个skr? 她的危险不止一点点 故意撒满我的白衬衫 外表看起来你多浅显 突然下坠的你太敏感 强大的吸引力来自你仿佛掉进千与千寻的神隐 她微垂的嘴角是威士忌 她竟说她来自十七世纪 drink pretty wine(来喝两杯) 烧掉你穿过的Vintage young lady cry(你别哭了) 你的爱是我的main craze 我 really mind (我认真了) Baby you play me another round(算了) she keeping lie(你赢了) Baby you bury me underground(埋了我吧) 221B in London with 808Buddha in the US