Welcome to the Future When I was ten years old, I remember thinkin' how cool it would be, When we were goin' on an eight hour drive, If I could just watch T.V. And I'd have given anything To have my own PacMan game at home. I used to have to get a ride down to the arcade; Now I've got it on my phone. He-e-ey... Glory glory hallelujah. Welcome to the future. My grandpa was in World War II, He fought against the Japanese. He wrote a hundred letters to my grandma; Mailed em from his base in the Philippines. I wish they could see this now, Where they say this change can go. Cause I was on a video chat this morning With a company in Tokyo. He-e-ey... Everyday is a revolution. Welcome to the future. He-e-ey... Look around it's all so clear. He-e-ey... Wherever we would go and well we... He-e-ey... So many things I never thought I'd see... Happening right in front of me. I had a friend in school, Running-back on a football team, They burned a cross in his front yard For asking out the home-coming queen. I thought about him today, Everybody who's seen what he's seen, From a woman on a bus To a man with a dream. He-e-ey... Wake up Martin Luther. Welcome to the future. He-e-ey... Glory glory hallelujah. Welcome to the future.