The Drunkard Traditional I will walk the streets up, I will walk the streets down I will see the landlady dressed in a silk gown With my elbows all out and my breeches without knees You are the biggest vagabond that I ever did see. Where I go so raggedy and you go so fine It's of the good money you have took of mine Ale and tobacco for you I have paid If I ain't you'd have gone in your raggedy ways. If I had a-listened to my old woman at the first I might have had silver and gold in my purse To maintain my wife and my children so small But 'tis I, silly drunkard, have ruined them all. I will cock up my hat as I had on before And I'll go home to me wife and I'll love her no more And the more I will beat her the more she will cry And the more silly drunkard and blackguard am I.