Whiten 作词 : EG杨淦 作曲 : EG杨淦 编曲:scottybeamup 混音:函函 Hook Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what U got money to pay me (what) U got money to pay me U got money to pay me U got money to pay me Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what U got money to pay me (what) U got money to pay me U got money to pay me U got money to pay me V1 I’m ready do, I pushed B7 My ring is diamond. Wow flexing 的酷, 没人有机会让我彻底服输 この野郎 I sealed your homie in the moon 当然我也为你加油为你鼓励希望你追上我好为你建个** 你们所眼红的我全都做到了妄想要打败我先看看自己的样子吧见到我如何不惊慌和失措这是你当下最最重要的 诶 I've won and I told u since I was born my dady like Al Capone he told me real king必须完成了自己的dream 我不是无情的做事是无形的想什么做什么如果没**约束那我肯定是最强的最后胜出的是我肯定是毋庸置疑 我想这当然没人会质疑 这是件理所应当的事情 我天赋强得好比超赛的悟空增长的速度好比筋斗云 Hook Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what U got money to pay me (what) U got money to pay me U got money to pay me U got money to pay me Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what U got money to pay me(what) U got money to pay me U got money to pay me U got money to pay me V2 U better then me? In anyway man I’m f***** VVIp 不在乎目的地, You want my thing那你肯定有无形的压力和无限的努力失败的眼神加上你那些灰心丧气 琢磨中成长在失败中变强在经历过风浪后野蛮的生长 心中的信*滑向成功的船桨我需要的助推器能量都加满 Yeah 我不后退 We got to find a right way 你所忌讳或嫉妒的最终都会让你变成了我的傀儡 就听我给你制造冲击 你差劲得像是国王新衣 我会赢给你泄漏天机 我让你flexing日子到期 所以别装*别抬高姿态 今年我和我兄弟才有热点卖你小子模仿的是谁我心里有数现如今I changed from black to the white 이게 개소리야? (说什么屁话) Hook Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what U got money to pay me (what) U got money to pay me U got money to pay me U got money to pay me Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what Whiten for what U got money to pay me (what) U got money to pay me U got money to pay me U got money to pay me